对于不直观的软件包,一般可以使用[package] --version查看软件包版本信息来查看是否成功安装;对于包含.exe文件的软件包,直接查看是否出现了对应应用程序图标即可。 scooplistpython--version 卸载已经安装的软件包。通过scoop uninstall指令卸载软件包。 scoopuninstallpostman 以上就是使用 Scoop 安装、管理软件包的基本流程...
scoop uninstall scoop Chocolatey if(!$env:ChocolateyInstall){Write-Warning"The ChocolateyInstall environment variable was not found.`nChocolatey is not detected as installed. Nothing to do"return}if(!(Test-Path"$env:ChocolateyInstall")){Write-Warning"Chocolatey installation not detected at '$env:Cho...
#卸载app: >scoop uninstall xxx # app列表 >scoop list # 由于git依赖7zip,因此scoop自动下载并安装7zip,再安装git Installed apps: Name Version Source Updated Info --- --- --- --- --- 7zip 22.01 main 2023-06-06 10:49:04 git 2.41.0.windows.1 main 2023-06-06 10:49:30 不记得命令...
Scoop caches downloads so you don't need to download the same files when you uninstall and re-install the same version of an app. You can use scoop cache show to see what's in the cache, and scoop cache rm <app> to remove downloads for a specific app. To clear everything in your...
uninstall Uninstall an app update Update apps, or Scoop itself virustotal Look for app's hash on virustotal.com which Locate a shim/executable (similar to 'which' on Linux) Type 'scoop help ' to get help for a specific command. 基本操作 ...
uninstall Uninstall an app update Update apps, or Scoop itself virustotal Look for app's hash on virustotal.com which Locate a shim/executable (similar to 'which' on Linux) Type 'scoop help' to get help for a specific command. 1.
1PS C:\Users\user>$psversiontable.psversion.major25 然后确保你允许PowerShell执行本地脚本,在PowerShell中输入如下内容,已完成执行策略的更改: set-executionpolicy remotesigned -scope currentuser 遇到提示,输入Y即可。 开始安装Scoop. 在PowerShell中输入如下内容(将会安装到默认目录C:\Users\user(自己的用户名)...
Removing older version (14.1). 'gdb' was uninstalled. Installing 'gdb' (14.1) [64bit] from 'main' bucket proxy: https://nuwen.net/files/mingw/components-19.0.7z components-19.0.7z (58.6 MB) [===] 100% Checking hash of components-19.0.7z ... ok. Extracting components-19.0....
改名为potplayer#201021#https_t1.daumcdn.net_potplayer_PotPlayer_Version_201021_PotPlayerSetup64.exe_dl.7z 然后移动到目录D:\Scoop\cache 这时只是手动做了下载这一步的工作,安装还需要: # 前面安装失败,scoop仍然会认为已经安装,这里卸载一下,scoop会认为已经卸载了 scoop uninstall potplayer # 再次安装,sc...
uninstall Uninstall an app update Update apps, or Scoop itself virustotal Look for app's hash on virustotal.com which Locate a shim/executable (similar to 'which' on Linux)Type 'scoop help ' to get help for a specific command.上⾯列出了很多scoop的⽤法, ⽐如scoop search 所...