scoop install curl@7.56.1. This functionality only works if the old version is still available online. Some older versions have specific installers, such as Python 2.7 and Ruby 1.9, which are commonly required. These
scoopinstallpythonscoopinstallpostman 检查软件包是否安装。首先通过scoop list指令查看当前安装的软件包。输出结果为所有的软件包名称、版本号与对应的软件仓库。对于不直观的软件包,一般可以使用[package] --version查看软件包版本信息来查看是否成功安装;对于包含.exe文件的软件包,直接查看是否出现了对应应用程序图标即可。
下载安装脚本: irm -outfile 'install.ps1' 为安全起见一般不建议使用管理员账号做开发,如果确实要这么做需要加安装参数: .\install.ps1 -ScoopDir 'D:\scoop_dir' -ScoopGlobalDir 'd:\global_scoop_dir' -NoProxy -RunAsAdmin Initializing... Downloading... error: RPC failed; curl 92 HT...
Usage: scoop install <app> [options] e.g. The usual way to install an app (uses your local 'buckets'): scoop install git To install an app from a manifest at a URL: scoop install To install an app from a...
chore(release): Bump to version 0.4.0 (#5424) 11个月前 增加特殊说明。 10天前 appveyor.yml fix(install):\ Use\ 'Get-Command'\ to\ test\ scoop\ install\ status\ (#4785) 3年前 buckets.json chore(release): Bump to version 0.4.2 (#5964) ...
when you uninstall and re-install the same version of an app. You can use scoop cache show to see what's in the cache, and scoop cache rm <app> to remove downloads for a specific app. To clear everything in your cache, use: ...
refactor(core): Cleanup some old codes, e.g.,msisection and confi… Mar 6, 2024 README Code of conduct License Security Features|Installation|Documentation Scoop is a command-line installer for Windows. What does Scoop do? Scoop installs apps from the command line with a minimal amount of ...
Coming back to the 2 feature requests; I think they still stand, as it's unfortunate that to install a previous version of an app you need to: uninstall the existing app install the old version of the app and to bring it back to the new one, you have to use the -f option Sorry,...
It will install Scoop to its default location: C:\Users\<YOUR USERNAME>\scoop You can find the complete documentation about the installer, including advanced installation configurations, inScoopInstaller/Install. Please create new issues there if you have questions about the installation. ...
scoop install <app># 安装 APP scoop uinstall <app># 卸载 APP scoop reset [app]@[version]# 切换版本 scoop list# 列出已安装的 APP scoop search# 搜索 APP scoop status# 检查哪些软件有更新 scoop update# 更新 Scoop 自身 scoop update appName1 appName2# 更新某些 app ...