.zip类:一般不需要改变,部分需要在下载链接末尾添加#/dl.7z。 .exe类:大部分都需要在下载链接末尾添加#/dl.7z,Scoop 默认使用 7zip 进行解压安装,不能直接解压的,如果内置有innosetup,需要在脚本里添加,"innosetup": true。 5 Bucket 5.1 简介 Bucket 中文意思是桶,在 Scoop 中,Buckets 是应用程序的集合,也...
大部分都需要在下载链接末尾添加#/dl.7z(Scoop 默认使用 7zip 进行解压安装); 不能直接解压的,如果内置有innosetup,需要在脚本里添加,"innosetup": true; Scoop script 祝愿感兴趣的朋友早日拥有自己的 bucket,方便自己,也方便他人。
通过 search 搜索 APP, 确定软件名称scoop install AppName # 安装 APPscoop install git@2.23.0.windows.1 # 安装特定版本的 APP;语法 AppName@[version]scoop uninstall [appname] # 卸载 APPscoop list # 列出已安装的 APPscoop status # 检查哪些软件有更新#更新软件scoop update # 更新...
+---+|User Input|+---+---+|v+---+---+|Download||Manifest File|+---+---+|v+---+---+|Fetch Package||(Go Version)|+---+---+|v+---+---+|Install and||Setup Path|+---+---+|v+---+---+|Execute User||Commands|+---+ 算法原理解释 Scoop 通过查看和解析软件包的 ...
Version:2 Created'C:\Users\User\Desktop\foobar.json'. Scoop 清单是简单的 JSON 文件,可以选择性地用内联 PowerShell 语句补充。 More 深入了解 如果您正在寻找特定内容或准备深入了解 Scoop 内部结构,请查看 Scoop 的自述文件或维基百科。 Check outScoop’s Readmeor refer to theWiki. ...
ERROR'InnoSetup Unpacker'isnotinstalled! It'srequiredforunpacking InnoSetup files. Please run'scoopinstall innounp'.ERROR'dark'isnotinstalled! It'srequiredforunpacking installers createdwiththe WiX Toolset. Please run'scoopinstall dark'or'scoopinstall wixtoolset'. ...
version:表示应用程序版本信息。4.2.2 可选属性 ##: 包含注释的单行字符串或字符串数组。architecture:如果应用程序有 32 位和 64 位版本,可以使用这个来表示,它有两个子属性,一个是 32bit ,一个是64bit,这两个属性都可以使用 bin、checkver、extract_dir、hash、installer、pre_install、post_install、...
"version": "3.1.1", "version": "3.1.2", "description": "Empire-building strategy game", "homepage": "http://www.freeciv.org/", "license": "GPL-2.0-or-later", "url": "http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/freeciv/Freeciv-3.1.1-msys2-win64-gtk3.22-setup.exe?download#/setup.7z",...
If you have built software that you would like others to use, Scoop is an alternative to building an installer (like MSI or InnoSetup). You just need to compress your app to a.zipfile and provide a JSON manifest that describes how to install it. ...
scoop install python ruby go perl If you have built software that you would like others to use, Scoop is an alternative to building an installer (like MSI or InnoSetup). You just need to compress your app to a.zipfile and provide a JSON manifest that describes how to install it. ...