When I change the line#110, buckets.ps1 git_clone"$repo""`"$dir`""-q to git_clone"$repo""$dir"-q it works well: >scoop bucket add extras Checking repo...ok The extras bucket was added successfully.>ls C:\Scoop\a\buckets\extras\ Directory: C:\Scoop\a\buckets\extras Mode LastWri...
可以通过scoop bucket rm extras移除没有加速的默认extras 字体仓库添加和使用示例 仓库可以到bing国际搜一下看看仓库名,例如nerd-fonts,常用字体 $mirror='https://github.moeyy.xyz/ #可以自行修改 PS> scoop bucket add nerd-fonts $mirror/https://github.com/matthewjberger/scoop-nerd-fonts Checking repo.....
# scoop bucket add $mirror/https://github.com/ScoopInstaller/Extras #还可以选择一个别名,区分默认bucket scoop bucket add ExtrasCxxu $mirror/https://github.com/ScoopInstaller/Extras Extras仓库的添加 PS> scoop bucket add ExtrasCxxu$mirror/https://github.com/ScoopInstaller/Extras Checking repo... ...
Scoop 默认的 Bucket 为 main ;官方维护的另一个 Bucket 为 extras,我们需要手动添加。 # bucket的用法scoop bucket add|list|known|rm [<args>]```powerShell添加 extras :```powershellscoop bucket add extras 我们也可以添加第三方 bucket ,示例: scoop bucket add dorado https://github.com/h404bi/dor...
继续执行scoop bucket add extras,报错如下: Checking repo... 'https://github.com/lukesampson/scoop-extras' doesn't look like a valid git repository Error given: fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/lukesampson/scoop-extras/': Failed to connect to github.com port 443: Timed out ...
bucket 本身的main bucket源很少,故增加新的一个较多的bucket scoop bucket add extras 执行成功展示: Checking repo... ok The extras bucket was added successfully. 安装软件 ## 安装软件 scoopinstall-g [app的名称] ## 我这里-g 需要admin权限,取消-g可安装 ...
另外,scoop-directory是一个可供搜索的bucket目录。 如vscode就在extras这个bucket中,因此安装vscode前需要先添加bucket,有点类似于linux的软件源. PS C:\>scoop bucket add extras Checking repo... OK The extras bucket was added successfully. PS C:\> scoop install vscode ...
$ scoop bucket add qhong https://gitee.com/hongdada/scoop-buckets Checking repo... ok The qhong bucket was added successfully. $ scoop bucket list Ash258 dorado extras iszy Java main qhong versions wangzq 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
scoop bucketaddextras 官方维护的 bucket extras 这个 bucket 是最有用,也是我们大部分人肯定会用到的仓库。除此之外,我们可以通过这个命令查看 Scoop 还能直接识别哪些 bucket: scoop bucket known 下面列出的这几个仓库就是 Scoop 可以直接识别并添加的 bucket,即我们可以通过下面这个命令直接添加相应的 bucket: ...
tim> scoop bucket add extras Checking repo... 'https://github.com/lukesampson/scoop-extras' doesn't look like a valid git repository Error given: also tim> scoop update Updating Scoop... Scoop update failed. i can ping github fine and even install packages from the main bucket without is...