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A Bucket for the Best Windows Package ManagerScoop: Continuously Assisting in Academic Research. If you would like to be a co-maintainer, feel free to tell me in the Discussion. English|简体中文 For ones familiar with Scoop: scoop bucket add scoopet https://github.com/ivaquero/scoopet ...
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如果你使用 Scoop 全局安装软件(如 Node.js)你便需要管理员权限 安装 Sudo 可以简化提取权限步骤 同样,你也可以通过一个简单指令安装 Sudo 代码语言:javascript 复制 scoop install sudo 常用Scoop Bucket 你可以通过以下指令添加 Bucket 代码语言:javascript 复制 scoop bucket add<name><repo>...
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Looking for scoop? Find out information about scoop. 1. anything that resembles a scoop in action, such as the bucket on a dredge 2. a spoonlike surgical instrument for scraping or extracting foreign matter,... Explanation of scoop