Children and teens with multiple sclerosis are treated with the same therapies as adults, but they are considered “off label” for treating children, (not an FDA approved the use of the drug, but it is/may be effective for some people with the condition). Small studies suggest the IV dru...
In order to reduce relapse rate, after a definite diagnosis of RRMS patients start disease-modifying therapy with immunomodulatory agents (interferon beta, glatiramer acetate, natalizumab, alemtuzumab, dimethyl fumarate, teriflunomide or fingolimod); for patients who reach the stage of SPMS. Treatment op...
The pathologic hallmarks of MS lesions are (1) inflammation with T cells, B cells, and macrophages/microglia; (2) demyelination with oligodendrocyte loss during the chronic stage of the disease and varying degrees of remyelination; (3) axonal loss; and (4) gliosis with astrocyte proliferation...
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most frequent inflammatory and demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS). The underlying pathophysiology of MS is the destruction of myelin sheath by immune cells. The formation of myelin plaques, inflammati
We selected two concentrations based on the local fibrotic presentation: 0.5 mg/ml daily injection for 4 weeks representing middle dosage and mild fibrosis stage, and 1.0 mg/ml representing advanced dosage and severe fibrosis stage. We chose malondialdehyde (MDA) as a by-product of lipid ...
X-ray of her spine and pelvis showed marked and diffuse osteosclerosis. Retrospective analysis of computed tomography revealed the gradual replacement of sternal, vertebral, and pelvic bone marrow with calcified tissues in addition to the dispersed calcification of the liver, spleen, and kidneys over...
B qPCR analysis of Fn14 mRNA expression in the tibialis anterior (TA) of SOD1G93A and wild type (WT) mice at 4 (pre-symptomatic), 12 (early symptomatic) and 20 (late symptomatic) weeks. Normalized relative expressions are compared to WT 4 weeks. Data are mean ± SEM, n =...
Tuberous sclerosis complex with end-stage renal failure. Nephrol Dial Transplant 1995; 10: 349-353.Holmes GL, Stafstrom CE. Tuberous sclerosis complex and epi- lepsy: recent developments and future challenges[J]. Epilepsia,2007, 48 (4): 617-630....
As the cancer is usually occult at this stage, diagnosis may be difficult, particularly when optic neuritis or other forms of retinal degeneration occur (Figure 8.31; Boghen et al 1988; P.R. Rudge 1973; Waterston and Gilligan 1986). Clinical evidence of peripheral nervous disease is often ...
4. Multiple sclerosis/experimental autoimmune encephalitis is a neurodegenerative disorder 5. Mitochondria dysfunction and ROS as causes of neuronal degeneration in MS 6. Development of therapeutic approaches in MS 7. Conclusions and future directions Acknowledgments ReferencesShow full outline Cited by (194...