(1994). SCL-90-R: Administration, scoring and procedures manual (3rd ed.). Minneapolis, MN: NCS Pearson. 咨询 想知道自己是否有心理障碍,可以将上面90道每题得分记录下来,通过咨询方式传给给我,我来帮你分析。 学习是实现你的人生升华必由之路 参考 ^唐秋萍,程灶火,袁爱华等.SCL-90在中国的应用与分析...
4、临床应用价值:SCL-90常用于临床实践和研究中,能够帮助心理医生评估患者的心理健康状况,并为治疗方案的制定提供重要参考。 四、SCL-90的文献参考信息 1. Derogatis, L. R. (1977). SCL-90: administration, scoring, and procedures manual—1. Baltimore: Clinical Psychometric Research. 2. Wang, Z., & ...
评分标准:测验记分 SCL-90的统计指标主要为两项,即总分和因子分。 总分项目 (1)总分:90个项目单项分相加之和,能反映其病情严重程度。 (2)总均分:总分/90,表示从总体情况看,该受检者的自我感觉位于1-5级间的的哪一个分值程度上。 (3)阳性项目数:单项分≥2的项目数,表示受检者在多少项目上呈有"病状"。
SCL-90: Administration, scoring and procedures manual-I for the revised version. Maryland: John Hopkins University School of Medicine; 1977.Derogatis, L. R. 1977. SCL-90: Administration, Scoring and Procedure Manual-I for the Revised Version. Baltimore, MD: John Hopkins University, School of ...
结论 根据SCL90评估结果,受测者表现出一些心理症状和问题。建议进一步与心理专家咨询,以便获得更详细的评估和辅导。请注意,本评估报告仅供参考,具体诊断和治疗仍需依赖专业医师的判断。 参考 [1] Derogatis, L.R. (1977). SCL-90: Administration, Scoring, and Procedures Manual: Clinical Psychometric Research....
R. (1975). Symptom checklist-90 (SCL-90). Administration, scoring and procedures manual-I for the revised version. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Clinical Psychometrics Unit, Baltimore. •Liu, X. H., Zhang, S. F., & Zhang, G. (1995). Chinese symptom checklist-90 ...
scl-90-r test online free symptom checklist-90-revised (scl-90-r) scoring scl-90-r manual pdf scl-90-r sample report what is the scl-90-r used for scl-90 psychoticism scl-90-r reliability and validity scl-90 age range People also ask What is the SCL 90 assessment? What is the...
SCL-90R (revised) version, administration scoring and procedures. Manual 7. J o h n H o p k i n s U n i v e r s i t y S c h o o ... C Montgomery,N Bujold,R Bertrand,... - 《Canadian Journal of Higher Education》 被引量: 12发表: 2002年 Early maternal relational traum...
SCL-90–R: Administration, scoring and procedures Manual I for the revised version of other instruments of the Psychopathology Rating Scale series Although attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a common child psychiatric disorder, the epidemiology and pathophysiology of attention deficit hyperac......
六、参考文献 1. Derogatis, L.R. (1990). SCL-90: Administration, scoring & procedures manual-II. Baltimore: Clinical Psychometric Research. 2.徐艳群,贺朋飞,张文萍,杨博文.心理健康评定标准的重构[J].护理学报, 2002, 9(1): 47-49.©2022 Baidu |由 百度智能云 提供计算服务 | 使用百度前必读 ...