We check over 250 million products every day for the best prices Back to the top ⤴ Best rowing machine for beginners Image 1 of 5 The Hydrow Wave rowing machine set up in our testing center. (Image credit: Harry Bullmore) The Hydrow Wave rowing machine being tested by our reviewer....
Here one risk that I’ve considered in my post-tenure era, but not had the guts to implement yet: In my Biostatistics class, I’d like to entirely do away with all quizzes and exams, and simply implement an oral performance-based final for 100% of the grade. By the end of the se...
Cassandra Rose Clarke’s work has placed in the Rhysling Awards and been nominated for the Philip K. Dick Award, the Romantic Times Reviewer's Choice Award, the Pushcart Prize, and YALSA's Best Fiction for Young Adults. She grew up in south Texas and currently lives in Houston, where she...