Daniel Gene Barlekamp writes poetry and fiction for adults and young readers. His poetry has appeared in Scifaiku, Daikaijuzine, Molecule, Horror Senryu, and elsewhere and has been translated into Mandarin by Poetry Hall. His middle-grade ghost story "The Curse of the Cat Man" is forthcomi...
Best rowing machine for beginners Image 1 of 5 The Hydrow Wave rowing machine set up in our testing center. (Image credit: Harry Bullmore) The Hydrow Wave rowing machine being tested by our reviewer.(Image credit: Harry Bullmore) The Hydrow Wave rowing machine - a close-up photo of the...
Here one risk that I’ve considered in my post-tenure era, but not had the guts to implement yet: In my Biostatistics class, I’d like to entirely do away with all quizzes and exams, and simply implement an oral performance-based final for 100% of the grade. By the end of the se...