The Snow Leopard Project: And Other Adventures in Warzone Conservation by Alex Dehgan Read 4 The Gendered Brain by Gina Rippon Read 5 Waters of the World by Sarah Dry It's been another fabulous year for science books that make important scientific developments accessible to a general audien...
Last, we found a newsubpopulation of inhibitory neurons in ZIm expressing tachykinin 1 (TAC1) thatmonosynaptically receive PL inputs and project to lPAG.Optogeneticactivation and deactivation of these neurons, respectively,...
Learnings included the need for a dedicated project manager and more transparent and real‐time communication with investigators. The CURE IS initiative represents a unique approach to fund scientific discoveries on epilepsy. It brought together an interdisciplinary group of investigators who otherwise ...
It is the proud companion title to Epilepsy & Behavior (Marco Mula, MD, PhD, Editor-in-Chief). EBR places special emphasis on articles that: Educate clinicians around the world regarding the best practices and clinical research for global epilepsy management of patients; Report cutting-edge ...
I imprinted on science fiction in the early 1960s. At that time, I considered science fiction to be PR for the space program. I fell in love with science fiction concurrently with Project Mercury and Project Gemini. I mostly read books by Robert A. Heinlein for the first few years, so ...
UCB a global biopharmaceutical leader focuses on creating valuable solutions that improve the lives of people living with neurological and autoimmune conditions
Science We are a global biopharmaceutical company that invents life-changing medicines for people with serious diseases. Our company was founded on the idea that the research and development of innovative medicines could be accelerated. Within a decade, we discovered and secured global approvals for ...
EPINOV, a collaborative project, aims at improving epilepsy surgery management and prognosis by modeling each patient’s brain in virtual 3D. Learn more about Living Brain Experience MEDITWIN Simulating future scenarios for a patient A consortium for personalized virtual twins of organs, metabolism and...
Gabapentin, a GABAergic drug modulating intracellular calcium channels, was introduced as an anti-epilepsy drug. Some studies have shown that the use of gabapentin alone, compared to a placebo, demonstrated a reduction in the spasticity.44 The adverse effects include somnolence, tremor, and nystagm...
Letters to the Editor will only be considered if they comment on articles that were previously published in Epilepsy & Behavior. The journal does not publish Case Reports. Authors who submit these to Epilepsy & Behavior will be offered a transfer or asked to resubmit their Case Reports to the...