G. Zheng, Y. Huang, Y. Chen, L. Li, Z. Xu, N. Li, Z. Liu, Q. Chen, L.-D. Sun*, C.-H. Yan*, A Eu3+-Eu2+ion redox shuttle imparts operational durability to Pb-I perovskite solar cells, Science, 2019, 363, 265-270. ...
(Science 2019, 363 (6424), 265-270);提出了液相介质退火工艺,为薄膜生长过程构筑了均匀高效的热场传导和适宜稳定的化学环境,保障了高质量、组分分布均一的薄膜的大面积制备,并显著提高了工艺的可重复性(Science, 2021, 373 (6554), 561-567);提出了阴离子-π相互作用,精准调控合成反应动力学,抑制了...
(Science2019, 363 (6424), 265-270);提出了液相介质退火工艺,为薄膜生长过程构筑了均匀高效的热场传导和适宜稳定的化学环境,保障了高质量、组分分布均一的薄膜的大面积制备,并显著提高了工艺的可重复性(Science, 2021, 373 (6554), 561-567);提出了阴离子-π相互作用,精准调控合成反应动力学,抑制了纳米与原子...
Science 363, eaau0323 (2019). Gave a comprehensive overview of the state of machine learning in the solid Earth geosciences and solutions to broaden and accelerate these capabilities. Article Google Scholar Herman, L. et al. A comparison of monoscopic and stereoscopic 3D visualizations: Effect ...
http://science.sciencemag.org/content/363/6424/265 (导读 薛炜楠)金属卤化物钙钛矿吸光层本征的离子性导致钙钛矿太阳电池在制备和运作过程中容易产生Pb(0), I(0)缺陷,降低了器件的效率和寿命。本研究采用Eu3+-Eu2+作为氧化还原离子对,在周期性循...
Zhou*, J. Hu, B. Huang, M. Sun, B. Dong, G. Zheng, Y. Huang, Y. Chen, L. Li, Z. Xu, N. Li, Z. Liu, Q. Chen, L.-D. Sun*, C.-H. Yan*, A Eu3+-Eu2+ion redox shuttle imparts operational durability to Pb-I perovskite solar cells, Science, 2019, 363, 265-270...
This chapter briefly traces the history of nature of science (NOS) orientations in science education, notes some differences in the way NOS is defined and in arguments used to justify its inclusion in the school science curriculum and acknowledges the ce
Book2019, Functionalized Graphene Nanocomposites and their Derivatives Bhargav Raval, Indrani Banerjee Explore book 2.1 Hybridization Mechanism for Structure Formation Hybridization is the concept of mixing atomic orbitals at different energies at different energy states; then the pairing of electrons in the...
CO2 emissions from fuel combustion, International Energy Agency (2019) https://www.iea.org/subscribe-to-data-services/co2-emissions-statistics Google Scholar [2] Directive (EU) 2018/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2018 on the promotion of the use of energy ...