References (3) F.O. Mixon et al. Chem. Engng Sci. (1960) There are more references available in the full text version of this article. Cited by (1) Thermal parameter sensitivity in the simulation of the non-isothermal, non-adiabatic fixed bed catalytic reactor—the two-dimensional ...
- 《Journal of Applied Polymer Science》 - 2014 - 被引量: 5 Synthesis of porous Al_2O_3-PVDF composite separators and their application in lithium-ion batteries Wang, H.,Li, H.,Yu, L.,... - 《...
2019. [Paper] TriviaQA: A Large Scale Distantly Supervised Challenge Dataset for Reading Comprehension. Joshi et al. 2017. [Paper] Semantic Parsing on Freebase from Question-Answer Pairs. Berant et al. 2013. [Paper] Open Question Answering over Tables and Text. Chen et al. 2021. [Paper] ...
近年来,多次以海洋生标示踪与重建为主题,召集国际国内学术会议分会场、做特邀和嘉宾报告。 利用UK’37重建我国海岸带历史两次暖期海表温差并对重建公式进修正(据Wang et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2023a) 利用brGDGTs示踪并重建第四纪 不同背景下的古海洋水柱环境演变 (据Wang et al.,...
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