2022年版SCI收录期刊影响因子情况汇总2022年09 Rank Abbreviated Journal Title ISSN Total Cites Impact Factor 5-Year Impact Factor Immediac y Index 14OR-Q J OPER RES1619730 1.1370.03 2AAOHN J0891-***.8560.977 3AAPG BULL0149 1.768 2.4550.413 4AAPS J1550 4.386 5.7140.604 5AAPS PHARMSCITECH...
记得当时Nature官网公布最新影响因子时,全球实验室此起彼伏的叹息与欢呼,这也代表着SCI体系在科研生态中的绝对统治地位。 根据科睿唯安2022年数据,全球科研人员平均每篇SCI论文需要经历2.7次拒稿,耗时14.5个月才能见刊。这份冰冷的数据背后,是每个科研工作者必须掌握的学术生存法则。 下面,咱们主要从sci在科研界的统治...
2、numberJRK = journal rank within discipline = 1 - (n - 1)/N n = descending ranking number within disciplineN = total number of journals in the discipline JIF = average journal impact factor over all years of ISI quotationISI = Institute for Scientific Information, Philadelphia, PA, USATh...
1、SCI论文写作全攻略(三-选刊与投稿一、拟投期刊的选择:1.选用SCI收录期刊。目前SCI收录核心刊 3000种,加上增补期刊约 5600种。研究者可事先将SCI 中自己感兴趣的期刊找出来备用。2.利用SCI收录期刊的影响引子(Impact Factor来选择期刊。期刊的影响因子是该刊前2年发表的文献在当前的平均被引次数。科学、自然...
和“Essential Science Indicators”(ECI)两个分析工具。JCR每年公布ISI收录期刊的“影响因子”(Impact ...
浙江大学学报-理科B(Journal Of Zhejiang University-science B)是一本由Zhejiang University Press出版的一本生物-生化与分子生物学学术刊物,主要报道生物-生化与分子生物学相关领域研究成果与实践。本刊已入选来源期刊,该刊创刊于2005年,出版周期Monthly。2021-2022年
来源出版物: CELL REPORTS 卷: 40 期: 8 文献号: 111240 DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2022.111240 出版年: AUG 23 2022 入藏号: WOS:000868075000001 文献类型: Article 地址: [Ai, Zhipeng; Xiang, Yangquan; Xu, Xiao; Ma, Chenyang; Shen, Hao; L...
(Biagioli,2020). Utrecht University is undergoing an experiment to reduce the emphasis on bibliometric indicators. In June 2021, the University formally abandoned the journal impact factor metric when making faculty hiring and promotion decisions, and in 2023 decided to withdraw from the international...
these methods have not completely studied the impact of different scales of features on the final recognition. To solve the abovementioned problems, we propose a Conformer-based dual path joint modeling network (CDPNet) for bird sound recognition. To...
Chemistry of Natural Compounds(天然产物化学),Impact Factor: 0.572ISSN: 1573-838813.chemical&pharmaceuticalbulletin,Impact Factor: 1.698。14.Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin(BPB),Impact Factor: 1.81BPB covers physical 11、 and inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, natural products chemistry, medicinal...