ISI提供的JCR——Journal Citation Reports(期刊引证报告)是期刊评价的重要工具之一,它对Web of Science中近6000种国际性自然科学期刊和1600余种国际性社会科学期刊进行了分析评价,利用JCR可以查找每种期刊影响因子(Impact Factor)、被引总次数(Total Cites)、立即影响指数(Immediacy Index)、文献总数(Articles)、被引半...
证报告》(JCR), 对包括SCI-CD、SCIE收录的6000余种期刊之间的引用和被引用数据进行统计、运算,并针对每种期刊定义了 影响因子(Impact Factor)等指数加以报道。 论文作者可根据期刊的影响因子排名决定投稿方向。 影响因 子(Impact Factor)是指该期刊近两年来的平均被引率,即该期刊前两年发表的论文在评价当年被引用...
15 Title:Long-term impact of pm2.5exposure on frailty, chronic diseases, and multimorbidity among middle-aged and older adults: Insights from a national population-based longitudinal study Author(s):Lin Junjie# , Zhang Yu, Wang Kunyi, Xia ...
18、标题:The impact of food safety regulatory information intervention on enterprises' production violations in China: a randomized intervention experiment 作者: Zhao, T (Zhao, Tong); Li, TP (Li, Taiping); Liu, D (Liu, Dan); Luo, ...
5.Regression analysis was used to predict the …6.To distinguish between these two possibilities, …7.The first set of analyses examined the impact of …8.T-tests were used to analyse the relationship between …9.In order to assess Z, repeated-measures ANOVAs were used. 3.2图表数据分析说明...
Phytochemical Analysisis(植物化学分析),Impact Factor:1.744phytochemistry, natural product, herbal, plant biochemistry, plant extract, plant produc 7、t6. Chemistry & Biodiversity(化学与生物多样性), impact factor: 1.926biologically relevant chemistry7. Planta Medica(植物药), Impact Factor:2.037Journal of...
Phytochemistry(植物化学)Impact Factor: 3.104 (所标注IF皆为2009年的)2. Phytomedicine(植物医学),Impact Factor: 2.1743. Phytochemistry Letters(植物化学快报),Impact Factor: 0.957 4. Fitoterapia(药用植物),Impact Factor: 1.3635. Phytochemical Analysisis(植物化学分析), Impact Factor: 1.7446. Chemistry & B...
生僻:impact on 简单:affect 生僻:implement 简单:start, create, carry out, begin 生僻:subsequent to 简单:after 生僻:utilize 简单:use 9.避免使用名词串 除非读者对你的术语熟悉,否则避免使用连续的名词 名词串:MHS has a hospital employee relations improvement program. ...
Sci Rep. 共同第一作者 4.259 117 陈艳妮 Altered electroencephalogram complexityinautisticchildrenshownbythemultiscale entropy approach. 2017 Neuroreport. 第二作者 1.266 118 陈艳妮 Altered brain structural networksinattentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder children revealedbycortical thickness 2017 Oncotarget. 第二作...
2.ONLINE COVER Polar bear swimming in Arctic waters. This apex predator of the Arctic is a crucial species for understanding the impact of environmental variability on Arctic marine ecosystems. Westbury et al. looked at the genomic, morphological, and ecological relationships between polar bears along...