【Sci-Hub】宗旨是「To remove all barriers in the way of science」(移除科學道路上的所有阻礙),Sci-Hub 認為論文包含許多新的研究成果以及實驗詳細描述,應當盡可能地在科學或教育上廣泛流通,網站成立至今已經收錄超過 4,700 萬篇論文全文!OSci-Hub: removing barriers in the way of s... 附圖為【使用...
当然,sci-hub也是一个不错的网站。 附上目前可用的sci-hub 网址如下(就是sci-hub.后面加上后缀,分别是cn,bz和cc) sci-hub - 专为中国定制 Sci-Hub: removing barriers in the way of science Sci-Hub: removing barriers in the way of science 对于国内的童鞋,如果需要求助论文 可以到小木虫或者丁香园,我...
You can usesci-hub proxyif the official link is not working. A working link most people use is thesci-hub hklink. Some of which aremirror links.At the end of this article, you will get to know moresci-hub linksandscihub proxythat are valid for removing a barrier from journals and r...
为了更好地为广大Sci-hub粉丝提供稳定持续的下载服务,创始人Elbakyan使用wordpress建站服务创立了一个“每隔5分钟更新一次可以访问的Sci-hub工作域名单”的网站。 网站链接 https://lovescihub./ 打开这个网址后,我们可以看到如下的文字。最下面就是当前可用的5个工作域,后面紧跟着的就是访问速度。sci-hub.tw是圈友...
WILL THE FIRST LIFE ON EARTH BE THE LAST TERROR OF MAN? Caltiki, the Immortal Monster is a 1959 Italian-American science fiction horror film directed by Riccardo Freda (as Robert Hampton) and an uncredited Mario Bava who also was the cinematographer on the film and added the noir-like eerie...
Second, this package is designed tointerfacewith the North American Breeding Bird Survey data (https://www.sciencebase.gov/catalog/item/5d65256ae4b09b198a26c1d7, doi:10.5066/P9HE8XYJ), but I have taken care not to redistribute any actual data from the Breeding Bird Survey in the package ...
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sci-hub - 专为中国定制 Sci-Hub: removing barriers in the way of science Sci-Hub: removing barriers in the way of science 对于国内的童鞋,如果需要求助论文 可以到小木虫或者丁香园,我推荐前者,因为金币容易赚。 小木虫论坛 - 学术科研互动社区
LibGen,就是Sci-Hub中免费文献的主要来源。它的全称是Library Genesis,据说是世界上最大的盗版资料库...