1)不支持关键词搜索 Sci-Hub 据说以前是可以像 PubMed 一样直接输入关键词进行检索,如「Asthma」。 但现在这么做的话网站会直接报错。因而只能通过上述的DOI、PMID 或 URL 进行检索。 Sci-Hub 报错提醒 写在最后: 不论是直接还是间接使用 Sci-Hub 的方法,本质上都应该归功于Sci-Hub的创始人 Alexandre Elbakyan...
一方面,这是 Sci-Hub 第一次在法庭上为其运营辩护;另一方面,如果 Sci-Hub 赢了这场官司,这可能会带来一场迫使出版商们重新思考目前的商业模式,而且其他国家对 Sci-Hub 的态度也可能会因印度的裁决而改变,甚至可能影响未来类似案件的裁决。 Sci-Hub 的一名辩护律师 Shrutanjaya Bhardwaj 表示,如果 Sci-Hub 获胜,...
Elbakyan, AlexandraSci-Hub: Removing Barriers in the Way of Science." Accessed September 6, 2016. http:// sci-hub.bz/.Sci-Hub (2011, September 5). Removing barriers in the way of science. Retrieved Feb 28, 2016, from http://sci-hub.io/...
第一种途径是上述三个网址进入hub这个网站,方法一是找到你要下载的文献的pdf下载页面网址,复制并粘贴到hub的搜索框中,即可下载;方法二是复制该文献的doi粘贴到hub搜索框中,即可下载; 第二种途径是,不进入hub这个网站。使用Google学术或者百度学术等检索文献利器找到文献下载页面,在页面的网址里进行修改。修改方法是,...
Sci-Hub: removing barriers in the way of science http://www.sci-hub.io/
Sci-Hub: removing barriers in the way of science 01 之前,世界著名文献全文下载网站SCI-HUB的网址通常情况是稳定的,但最近不稳定,中国某些地区发生了一定的波动。 所以,提供以下几个新的变种网址: 1.http://sci-hub.se 2.http://sci-hub.is
is artificially restricted by copyright laws. Such laws effectively slow down the development of science in human society. The Sci-Hub project, running from 5th September 2011, is challenging the status quo. At the moment, Sci-Hub provides access to hundreds of thousands research papers every day...
sci-hub.proxy.search.linkssci-hub.tfsci-hub.shopremoving barriers in the way of sciencesci-hub.se对于初次使用者,这里有步骤指导:文献链接搜索:在谷歌学术找到相关链接,复制后粘贴到sci-hub生成下载地址。注意,国外英文文献丰富,国内文献可能需要其他平台如小木虫、知网查找。PubMed号搜索:找到...
Removing all barriers in the way of Science: A case study on Sci–Hub's usage in Europe SciHub is the world's largest pirate academic library. This case study explores its usage in Europe based on the website's log data for the 6-month period between September 2015 and February 2016....
Removing all barriers in the way of Science: A case study on Sci–Hub's usage in Europe SciHub is the world's largest pirate academic library. This case study explores its usage in Europe based on the website's log data for the 6-month period between September 2015 and February 2016....