Professional school psychology, volume I: Gottsegan, Monroe G., and Gottsegan, Gloria B. (eds.) New York: Grune and Stratton, 1960.doi:10.1016/0022-4405(63)90020-7NoneELSEVIERJournal of School Psychology
Experiences of the learning environment were assessed with the following scales: academic self-concept (e.g., ‘I do well in school’), joy of learning (e.g., ‘I enjoy learning’), attitude towards school (e.g., ‘I like to go to school’), and willingness to make an effort (e....
Nolej uses cognitive psychology and generative AI to transform teaching content into engaging, interactive H5P activities. Strategies: Typing Practice touch typing by retyping famous novels. Not only will you...
which we have coined “third spaces.” It is interesting to reflect on how these initiatives correspond to some features identified in the sociocultural psychology and educational research literature. Studies suggest that in order to engage in school tasks, children need to...
This time, our guest is Lea Waters, who has been a leader in the Positive Psychology movement for many years. She is one of the world's leading experts on Positive Education, Positive Organization, and Strength-Based Parenting and Teaching. More about this week's guest: Lea Waters, Ph.D...
In APA Educational Psychology Handbook, Vol. 2. Individual Differences and Cultural and Contextual Factors; Harris, K.R., Graham, S., Urdan, S., Graham, S., Royer, J.M., Zeidner, M., Eds.; American Psychological Association: Washington, DC, USA, 2012; pp. 471–499. [Google Scholar...
Drawing on a wide body of evidence from economics, psychology, and neuroscience, for example, Heckman (Heckman 2006a, b) argues that returns to such investments are much higher than those made later in life. However, the empirical base for these arguments is not as deep as would be ...
Social sciences (such as sociology, political studies, economics, psychology, etc.) 2 Business and management sciences 3 Law 4 Medicine 5 Medical support profession education (such as nursing) 6 Natural Sciences and Mathematics (such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Statistics, Computer ...
Developmental Psychology 1997;33(2):254-262. 20. Crone DA, Whitehurst GJ. Age and schooling effects on emergent literacy and early reading skills. Journal of Educational Psychology 1999;91(4):604-614. 21. Bowman BT, Donovan MS, Burns MS, eds. Eager to learn: Educating our preschoolers. ...
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