Business and Information Management School of Social Sciences Business Economics Economics International Studies Psychology Quantitative Economics Anthropology School of Social Ecology Criminology, Law and Society Psychological Science Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences Business and Information M...
3. 保罗·梅拉奇商学院(Paul Merage School of Business) 4. 亨利·萨穆埃利工程学院(Henry Samueli School of Engineering) 5. 唐纳德·布伦信息与计算机科学学院(Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences) 6. 社会生态学院(School of Social Ecology) 7. 社会科学学院(Schoolof Social Sciences)...
The primary theme throughout the program is that of design, from early research to concept design to actual prototyping and evaluation 申请链接: 招生电话:949-824-2901 招生邮箱 邮寄地址:University of California...
20 credit uci strategic communications & public affairs | view as article university of california—irvine medical school: university of california irvine—school of medicine diversity rank: #21 primary care tier: 3 research tier: 2 percent underrepresented minority: 27.1% full-time enrol...
Focus of faculty research: Cognitive anthropology, sociology of culture, social structure, family and gender Externally sponsored research expenditures last year: 0 Location & Contact Address 260 Aldrich HallIrvine, CA 92697United States Contact Prof. Matt Huffman ChairEmai... Indo-Muslim Cultures in Transition. Conveners: Karen Leonard and Alka Patel. 31 October-2 November 2008. The University of California, Irvine: Social Sciences Plaza B 1208. Will emphasize the central place Indo-Muslim Hyderabad, Delhi, ... Indo-Muslim Cultures in Transition. Conveners: Karen Leonard and Alka Patel. 31 October-2 November 2008. The University of California, Irvine: Social Sciences Plaza B 1208. Will emphasize the central place Indo-Muslim Hyderabad, Delhi, ...
Emotional Intelligence is the ability to understand your own emotions and the emotions of others, and to use that understanding to effectively guide thinking and action. These skills are especially important for achieving physical and emotional health, c
All EMRAP associates are encouraged to take full advantage of UCI’s extensive undergraduate research opportunities, from applying to grant funding from theUndergraduate Research Opportunities Programto presenting their results through the School of Biological SciencesExcellence in Researchprogram. In addition...
加利福尼亚大学(尔湾)(University of California, Irvine),简称UC Irvine或UCI,又译加州大学尔湾分校或欧文分校,创建于1965年,隶属于加利福尼亚大学系统,是公立研究型大学,美国大学协会、环太平洋大学联盟、国际公立大学论坛成员,被誉为“公立常春藤”。 该校实力强劲,师生比为1:18。设置学院包括了克莱尔·特雷弗艺术...