so that they turn on without me thinking to turn them on/plug them in…I know I’ll get used to it at some point, but for now, for the past two weeks, whenever they do, it makes me feel…that some things will continue to
Sunday, 23rd February 2025| 4:44:10 PM FACT CHECK: Can swallowing papaya seeds prevent pregnancy Art for a cause: Wayanad wall mural raises awareness on disaster preparedness for animals and humans Deepfake video of Harsha Richhariya kissing a policeman at Kumbh Mela goes viral ...
COVID remains too new to know how often we need to use it, so stay tuned Masking There are all sorts of masks to prevent colds, but the N95 performs way better than all. They do cut down on colds, but since most people go months between colds, and most classrooms have no one ...
Historical Association branch meetings have been a regular feature in the Girl's Division for the past six years.Each year,a series of seven lectures are delivered by a range of academics from different universities and research institutes.Attendees meet in the comfortable surroundings of the Sutclif...
We began our summer with great anticipation of being back at Friends ’n Fun – in a slightly different style due to COVID. The children have continually amazed us with how adaptable they have been to the changes we had to implement. What the virus couldn’t do is dampen their spirits,...
Not anymore.Online events and mixers still exist, she points out.Webinars and digital learning events are also good for connecting. It’s also not out of the question, she adds, to reach out on LinkedIn for one-on-one interviews to learn about a company or industry. “If COVID has tau...
The real game changer came when Michael Edison Hayden, now of the Southern Poverty Law Center, introduced me to the satirists Vic Berger IV and Nathan Bernard. At the time Berger worked for a Super Deluxe, a division of Turner Broadcasting. Berger was known for making trippy, surreal, ...
How else could they be sure it wasn’t me she was referring to? Something about this story doesn’t add up. At the time, COVID was raging, but a radical right wing push was underway to force students back into classrooms so they could sit for standardized tests and provide privatizers...
As the COVID-19 pandemic forced the closure of school buildings across the country, Rosproy served as a co-chair of the educator task force that helped compile Kansas’s continuous learning guidance. A career preschool educator, Rosproy hopes to bring a voice to the important role early chi...
s maternity academy. Before that, though, she’d liked going to school. “It was fun! Who wanted to be at home and listen to your mom complain all day?” she told me, when I spoke with her after Johnson’s visit. “But, then, we didn’t have COVID and cities being shut down....