Responding to major learning loss suffered by Ohio students as a result of the school closures following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Columbus-based Buckeye Institute recommended policy solutions this week to help students regain what the education system did not provide. ...
Glenmuir High School, Donors Provide COVID-19 Relief May 22, 2020 GLENMUIR HIGH School in Clarendon has formed an alliance with donors, locally and overseas, to alleviate the strain imposed on some families by the novel coronavirus. The virus has infected… ...
COVID remains too new to know how often we need to use it, so stay tuned Masking There are all sorts of masks to prevent colds, but the N95 performs way better than all. They do cut down on colds, but since most people go months between colds, and most classrooms have no one ...
“I don’t think looking at national data is going to tell me something that’s going to be useful for how I’m going to interact in my current life and tell me if I should be worried about COVID right now,” said Katelyn Leisman, PhD, who works on the state of Illinois’s wast...
Glenmuir High School, Donors Provide COVID-19 Relief May 22, 2020 GLENMUIR HIGH School in Clarendon has formed an alliance with donors, locally and overseas, to alleviate the strain imposed on some families by the novel coronavirus. The virus has infected… ...
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many premeds had experiences with family or friends' families when they were unable to be with the loved one at the time of death. This was extremely hard on everyone involved. Time to grieve together is important to us as human beings. Fortunately...
We began our summer with great anticipation of being back at Friends ’n Fun – in a slightly different style due to COVID. The children have continually amazed us with how adaptable they have been to the changes we had to implement. What the virus couldn’t do is dampen their spirits,...
Jessica Knott: "While a lot of these younger students are pretty gung ho to go forth and innovate technologically, they will be stymied in many cases by an aging infrastructure and restrictive technology rules. Perhaps even by the culture of co-workers who discourage them from using tech in ...
According,the school shut down today, less than a week after the start of the new school year, due to what administrators describe as"an abundance of caution due to several COVID cases on campus." The classrooms impacted by the virus will be deep cleaned over the weekend as ...
“When I say radical, I mean we really are turning upside down almost every accepted piece of how we do high school right now. There’ll be relatively limited synchronous learning, essentially no cases where there’s a teacher up in front of 30 students lecturing. The students will have a...