TRIO book levels serve as a guide and can be altered according to the needs of your students. These books have been leveled using scales that teachers know and are comfortable with – Lexile, Guided Reading and DRA. Since each leveling tool measures text in a different way, the two scales...
- CCSS three factors for measuring text complexity - Different factors related to text difficulty in different reading leveling systems (GRL vs. Lexile) Session 2: - Using Running Records to access and decide about reading level - Using data to group students for Guided Reading lessons 讲师Present...
3、对分级阅读、Guided Reading指导式阅读和写作教学有浓厚兴趣的英语教师 English teachers who are interested in Leveled Reading, Guided Reading and Traits Writing 4、即将或已经开设读写课程的机构教学主管 Supervisors of institutions who are about to offer reading and writing curriculum No.2 课程亮点 Cours...
通过阅读测评,定位读物的难度和学生的阅读能力,从而为不同的读者匹配对应的读物,比如 Lexile(蓝思),DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment Levels), GRL(Guided Reading Levels),AR(Accelerated Reader)等。 分享回复赞 爱贝淘淘吧 我是爱贝宝宝 哈利波特Harry Potter1-7册英文版限时特价!随时恢复原团购价!哈利波特...
Tennessee high school students' achievement scores by comparing ninth-grade students' predicted scores to their observed scores on the English I End of Course exam, Tennessee's statewide assessment. Additionally, the study evaluated READ 180's effect on literacy levels as measured by Lexile scores....
Guided Reading Level U Pack 2 Paperback Book Collection $76.50 Add To Cart Fantasy & Adventure Collection Grades 3-5 Paperback Book Collection $150.00 Add To Cart Lexile Collection Intermediate Levels 700-790 Paperback Book Collection $255.00 Add To Cart Accelerated Reader 1 Grade 5 (AR Levels 3....
Scholastic Fluency Formula与Scholastic RED的专业培训-200