在对一本书进行AR评定时还会出现一个标准叫做兴趣等级Interest Level,例如一本书的Interest Level为(MG 4-8),这代表着4-8年级的孩子对这本书会感兴趣,这对于起步晚的孩子有很大的参考价值,理想的状态是孩子的阅读等级和兴趣等级能基本匹配。 GRL分级体系 GRL(Guided Reading Level)也可称为F&P 分层阅读体系,是...
因为在美国一整个学年一共有9个月,所以这个分级也是从1到9进行划分的。 现在美国中小学采用比较广、用来呈现GE分级的标准是由Renaissance公司开发的Accelerated Reader,里面包括用来评估学生的STAR Reading测试系统和用来评估图书的ATOS Book Level系统。通过这两个系统,学校可以掌握学生的阅读水平,同时也能推荐与学生能力...
How to Find a Child’s Lexile Level The Lexile level will always be shown as a number with an “L” after it — for example 770L = 770 Lexile. The higher the Lexile measure, the higher the student’s reading level. The reader’s Lexile Framework works in intervals of five with 5L ...
Accelerated Reader (AR)分级法又称为Grade Equivalent Level(GEL),评价读者的阅读水平等同于美国学生哪一年级第几个月阅读水平。 AR阅读分值又被称为GEL(Grade Equivalent Level)和Atos分值,采用10进位系统,后面加小数点来表示更精确的级别。ATOS的值用来评估读本级别,GE用来表示孩子的阅读水平。0是最低,12.9是最高。
At the core of the BukuAku program is the LTS Reading Test, powered by the Lexile Framework for Reading, a powerful tool for assessing a student’s reading ability and matching them to reading materials at their level. Unlike traditional assessments, BukuAku offers more than just...
Lexile®reading and Quantile®mathematics measures. First launched in 2018, the Hub brings together innovative learning tools, content, and resources that save teachers time and support academic growth. Using the Hub, teachers can align individual assessment scores and the level of instructiona...
They differ with respect to the academic skill and material measured. On the learner or student side, the Lexile Framework for Reading measures a learner's reading ability, or overall reading comprehension, and the Quantile Framework measures a learner's ready-to-learn level, the difficulty of ...
RL(Grade Level Equivalent) 按照美国K12年级加月份标注,5.3,就是5年级第3个月 GRL(Guided Reading) 用A-Z体系来标注难度,从幼儿园(A)到6年级(Z),对应不同的字母 LRX(Lexile) 蓝思值,在K12里,难度值在25L-1300L之间,对应幼儿园到高中毕业 DRA(Development Reading Assessment) ...
Guided Reading Level 仅针对低年级图书分级 GRL分级是由两位教育专家于上个世纪90年代研发的给图书分级的体系,其中一名专家Gay Su Pinnell是俄亥俄州立大学教育学院的教授,另一名专家Irene C. Fountas是莱斯利大学教育学院的教授。 她们设计的这套分级体系主要是针对K-8年级图书的难易程度评估,所以在美国小学中应用最...
With text difficulty on the same scale as student ability, it’s possible to target the right materials for instructional activities and reading at home, which optimizes learning Arabic at the individual level. “We are committed to leveraging our e...