在对一本书进行AR评定时还会出现一个标准叫做兴趣等级Interest Level,例如一本书的Interest Level为(MG 4-8),这代表着4-8年级的孩子对这本书会感兴趣,这对于起步晚的孩子有很大的参考价值,理想的状态是孩子的阅读等级和兴趣等级能基本匹配。 GRL分级体系 GRL(Guided Reading Level)也可称为F&P 分层阅读体系,是...
上面的图书信息是Amazon上关于经典童书Charlotte’s Web的,其中第三行的Lexile Measure就是这本书的Lexile分级,是680L。 再来一个例子,David Goes to School是Scholastics出版的童书,特别诙谐搞笑,是小朋友最爱的绘本之一。它的Lexile分级是BR,意思是Beginning Reader,也就是适合刚刚开始学习阅读的小朋友。 Lexile分...
How to Find a Child’s Lexile Level The Lexile level will always be shown as a number with an “L” after it — for example 770L = 770 Lexile. The higher the Lexile measure, the higher the student’s reading level. The reader’s Lexile Framework works in intervals of five with 5L ...
students. We are excited to bring the same proven, research-based approach that has been so successful for English and Spanish learners.” Miqyas Al Dhad is designed to provide a standardized measure that reflects the unique linguistic and cultural ...
Over 300,000 additional students will now receive MetaMetrics’ measures from the New Mexico Measure of Student Success and Achievement (NM-MSSA) annual summative assessment and i-MSSA interim assessments, joining over 35 million students in the U.S....
Therefore, the Quantile measure of a skill or concept is the mathematical demand at an introductory level. How are the Lexile and Quantile Frameworks similar and different from each other? The Lexile Framework for Reading and the Quantile Framework for Mathematics are both academic measurement ...
Guided Reading Level 仅针对低年级图书分级 GRL分级是由两位教育专家于上个世纪90年代研发的给图书分级的体系,其中一名专家Gay Su Pinnell是俄亥俄州立大学教育学院的教授,另一名专家Irene C. Fountas是莱斯利大学教育学院的教授。 她们设计的这套分级体系主要是针对K-8年级图书的难易程度评估,所以在美国小学中应用最...
“The development of an Arabic reading scale with a universal framework to measure the level of students and Arabic texts will support student growth in Arabic language learning through actionable learning measurements. Arabic language learning is at the center of our work and is ...