Scholastic has provided this leveling guide to help you align TRIO with your existing curriculum with the goal of matching your readers to the appropriate text for successful growth in reading. At Scholastic, we know that teachers across the country use multiple systems to level their books when ...
Children reread books by themselves, chorally, and in pairs.Teachers comment on how students’ read each sentence, noting if they read with expression and ease. Vocabulary The program introduces high-frequency words and story words.Children learn to use context to gain the meaning of unfamiliar ...
Scholastic Guided Reading Programs match books to readers through a book leveling system thereby enabling both the beginning and struggling reader to build on reading success. As students move through the program, teachers constantly balance the difficulty of the text with support for students. ...
Scholastic Reading Inventory用户指南说明书
11/03 1 Scholastic Guided Reading Programs , by Dr. Gay Su Pinnell of The Ohio State University, are designed to help students develop independent reading strategies so they may become confident and successful readers. Students read engaging, carefully leveled fiction and nonfiction available...