Define Reading level. Reading level synonyms, Reading level pronunciation, Reading level translation, English dictionary definition of Reading level. adj. 1. Easily read; legible: a readable typeface. 2. Pleasurable or interesting to read: a readable sto
Level your classroom library, create book lists, and find the right book at just the right reading level for students with Book Wizard.
谷歌搜索,reading level correlation chart. Correlation是相关,关联的意思,所以搜的就是不同Reading Level之间的对应关系。 搜完后,会看到这个,有字母,有年龄,有DRA。 看到紫色字那部分没?点进去,来到Reading A-Z。看中间标记红色框那部分。 不管是年龄段,年级段, 还是DRA, PM, Fountas & Pinnell, 以及蓝斯值,...
Level a Book FIND READING LEVELS Build Your Own Book Collection Get personalized book recommendations and build your own collection.GET RECOMMENDATIONS Let Us Build a Collection for You Just tell us what you need, and we'll generate a collection instantly!GET RECOMMENDATIONS...
, co-creator of the Scholastic Edge reading program and professor emerita of reading education at California State University San Bernardino, about what factors to consider when looking at books for your child. Keep in mind that your child will progress at their own pace, but they can be ...
Scholastic Inc., the world's largest publisher and distributor of children's books.Scholastic-Philippines has been emerging as a leader in educational technology and literacy education as it has been working to address the mismatch between readers' ability and the level of reading materials students...
除了上面简单推荐的一些绘本,到B C阶段的,也已经可以尝试读一些此阶段可以接受的系列故事书了,像一些什么《First Little Readers》(Scholastic出品有Level A B C D)的,《Dear Dragon》系列,《Honey English Picture Books》一整套的,《Guided Science Readers》等等。科普类的读物此阶段也是有的,如国家地理少儿分级...
英文原版 学乐 Scholastic Buddy Readers Level ABCD 盒装84册 赠电子版指导手册 儿童英语启蒙分级读物绘本 亲子互动学习 配送 至 选择地区查看预计配送信息 快递:免运费 服务收货后结算 商品评价 暂无评价 该商品所属店铺评价 查看全部 质量很好(20) 坚固耐用(12) ...
Reader Books Reading Skill Books Recycling & Green Living Kids' Books Reference Books Reference Kids' Books Religion & Religious Studies Books Religion & Spirituality Kids' Books School & Education Kids' Books Science Books Science Fiction & Fantasy Books Science Fiction, Fantasy & Magic Kids' Books...
学乐Scholastic小读者系列分级阅读Level E\x26F16册 First Little Reaers 英文原版绘本 6-7岁儿童英语启蒙分级读物 亲子图画故事书 3+条评论 150元10件 美国国家地理分级阅读全彩版 1阶段 英文原版绘本National Geographic Level1 幼儿童科普百科系列认知读物早教启蒙绘本 Cats 猫 ...