Broadband wireless communication users for 5G networks are primarily implemented in a complicated environment; the complex environment of time-varying mult
• When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of the mark scheme to a candidate's response, the team leader must be consulted. • Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the candidate has replaced it with an alternative response. Question Answer number Marks 1a (i) A 2015. ...
The PBFT algorithm, short for Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance, serves as the fundamental algorithm. The linkages throughout the supply chain may be categorized into three primary groups. As a response to the continuing discussion over the amount of data, the status of each node is continuously...
In an RFID system, mutual authentication is considered one of the primary security requirements that should be accomplished between tag and server over a secure communication channel. RFID authentication schemes must always be secure, efficient, and robust against well-known malicious security attacks [...
In addition, being the primary contributor to greenhouse gas emissions from urban transportation, urban road transport was responsible for approximately 75 percent of the total emissions from urban transportation and had a 52 percent rise in carbon emissions between the years 1990 and 2012 (van der ...
WatchaBBCPrimaryHistoryprogrammecalled–‘Signsof Saxons’asanopeningtothetopic(20minutes). Revamplistcompiledandgroupideasforlaterdiscussion andquestionforming. Childrentoundertakeashortpieceofindividualresearch usingarangeofresourcestofindwheretheAnglo-Saxons ...
and the leader of the Smart Education Project, has been contributing to the opening of Korea’s first smart school, Charmsaem Elementary School in Sejong City since its initial design stage. Mr. Kim Chul-kyun, president of KERIS, is the primary visionary of what the future holds for Korea’...
The device considered in the present work is constructed via a module that defines solid objects by means of a static distance function. The construction combines primitive objects, such as a cylinder, a plane, and a torus, for instance, using simple geometrical operations. The numerical ...
If PUs come back to use their designated spectrum, SUs should release the momentary-using spectrum and try to find other idle spectrum band [4], [5], [6]. For the realization of CR techniques, spectrum sensing is the ground work, and has gotten more and more attentions. Recently, the ...
i.e., given a private key S K = ( S K I D 1 , ⋯ , S K I D l ) , each element S K I D i contains a primary key and O ( l ) size auxiliary key for the other bit positions to build a decryption key, where l denotes the bit-length or log n (for total n users...