Performance of ICT School Scheme and Its Impact on Secondary Education in Uttar PradeshBajpai, B.K.IASSI Quarterly
QCA (2000)Information and Communication Technology: A Scheme of Work for Key Stage 3, Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, London. Google Scholar Selwood, I. and Jenkinson, D. (1995) The delivery of information technology capability in secondary schools in England and Wales. InWorld Conference...
During two days, Cape Town will be the African capital of Coworking, an ever more successful work model that is becoming the natural professional environment of the new breed of digital workers, startups, and distributed companies who are shaping the economy of the 21st century. Coworking spaces...
The Almajiri children in Nigeria are deserving of special interventions to reduce the life-long divide in educational achievement, social status, and econo
Reformation of the Philippines’s basic educational system through the K to 12 Program is a tough but strategic move by the state to ensure that it produces competent graduates who can serve as the backbone for a highly skilled and employable work force. Seven (7) years ago, the Philippines...
A repository was established consisting of essential project details such as web addresses, background, aims, work packages and deliverables. Projects were then grouped together based on the nature of the problems they intended to tackle. Such information enables us to be able to establish a ...
school record keeping in public and private secondary schools in Benin City, Edo State was to a low degree, and the prevalent record-keeping facilities were: attendance register, admission register, scheme of work, school time table, lesson notes, individual pupil's files, and...
E-Learning, ICT, and Learning Portals for Schools Ferran Ruiz Tarrag6 Government of Catalonia - Department of Education, Spain, Abstract: E-\earning and learning portals are two closely associated concepts coined mainly outside education. An increasingly powerful industry offers ...
7. LH1 I am not able to get good grades despite doing hard work 8. LH2 The workload in this course is excessive 9. LH3 It has been tougher for me to pass exams during this course 10. DIS1 I hardly enjoy learning at university 11. DIS2 I feel peace and happiness in university ...
PE of students for using ICT significantly influences their PEU. 2.4. Perceived Usefulness (PU) PU is the level to which an individual is convinced that technology use will improve their work performance [14]. In this study, PU is the level to which students consider ICT use as enriching th...