Cell Cycle. 2005; 4 :1230–1232.Benmaamar R, Pagano M: Involvement of the SCF Complex in the Control of Cdh1 Degradation in S-phase. Cell Cycle 2005, 4 (9) : 1230–1232.Benmaamar R, Pagano M. Involvement of the SCF complex in the control of Cdh1 degradation in S-phase. Cell ...
ANAPHASE-PROMOTING COMPLEX/CYCLOSOME (APC/C). Anaphase is the phase of mitosis during which condensed chromosomes separate into sister chromatids and move along the mitotic spindles to opposite poles of the cell. The APC/C is a multi-subunit E3 ubiquitin ligase with at least two alternative form...
ofaSkp1-Cul1-F-boxcomplex.Significantly,JFKinhibitsp53- dependenttranscription,anddepletionofJFKstabilizesp53,pro- motescellapoptosis,arrestscellsintheG 1phase,andsensitizes cellstoionizingradiation-inducedcelldeath.Thesedataindicate thatJFKisacriticalnegativeregulatorofp53andrepresentsa ...
There are over 600 different ubiquitin ligase in the human genome. Among them, the Skp1-Cullin-F-Box (SCF) complexes and the Anaphase Promoting Complex/Cyclosome (APC/C) are best known for their roles in cell-cycle control7. For SCF complexes, the F-box protein determines substrate specific...
Alterations of anaphase-promoting complex genes in human colon cancer cells C. (2004) APC/C and SCF: controlling each other and the cell cycle. Curr. Biol. 14 , R787–R796.Wang Q, Moyret-Lalle C, Couzon F, Surbi... Q Wang,C Moyret-Lalle,F Couzon,... -...
Cul1 is a core component of the evolutionarily conserved SCF-type ubiquitin ligases that target specific proteins for destruction. SCF action contributes to cell cycle progression but few of the key targets of its action have been identified. We found th
D-type cyclins are important cell cycle regulators that promote cellular proliferation in response to growth factors by inactivation of the retinoblastoma protein (Rb). Cyclin D1 has been shown to be overexpressed in several cancer types and to act as an oncogene in breast cancers. As D-type ...
Progression through the cell cycle requires the activity of two ubiquitination complexes, the Skp1—cullin—F-box-protein complex (SCF) and the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC). Observations in the past year have revealed unexpected similarities between the \{SCF\} and the \{APC\} and...
FBXW5 is a cell-cycle-regulated protein with expression levels peaking at the G1/S transition. We show that FBXW5 levels are controlled by the anaphase-promoting (APC/C) complex, which targets FBXW5 for degradation during mitosis and G1, thereby helping to reset the centrosome duplication ...
In summary, we show that a cell-cycle-regulated SCF complex is regulated by the kinase PLK4, and that this in turn restricts centrosome re-duplication through degradation of the centriolar protein HsSAS-6. 展开 关键词: Cell-Cycle C-Elegans Centriole Protein Suppressor Degradation Family Box ...