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Share on Facebook Thesaurus Medical con·cu·pis·cence (kŏn-kyo͞o′pĭ-səns) n. A strong desire, especially sexual desire; lust. [Middle English, from Old French, from Late Latinconcupīscentia, from Latinconcupīscēns, concupīscent-, present participle ofconcupīscere, inchoa...
NO77.心灵的母体 by:L益静 890 80's Baby S.S.S.-Aviaun by:嘻哈有态度 125 90s00s10s-Will Ren by:情迷电音 3969 S3086-S4044 by:南溪笔迹 535 S-B-S-1 by:绘本音频管理员 2050 S by:听友28341257 2万 Dora S05 by:杨小桃77
3911 LXG | 20.奥斯曼帝国的衰亡 by:听雨轩_2020 967 历代名家词集精华录 | 20.词史 by:听雨轩_2020 19.9万 20.人生就是放下-星云大师(完) by:绽放自己_芬芳四溢 890 80's Baby S.S.S.-Aviaun by:嘻哈有态度 125 90s00s10s-Will Ren ...
令人迷恋的九十年代。所有款式均在售🛒 #scentof90s #锋利美人 #通勤搭配 #瑞秋 #今天穿什么 - Scent of 90s锋利美人于20241205发布在抖音,已经收获了178个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Sarah Hyland Shares Her Favorite Mascara and Her Hot Take on the '90s Brow Trend Coming Back Skin Care 23 Perfect Gifts for Mom This Mother's Day Fragrance CLEAN RESERVE H2Eau Is Revolutionizing Fragrance Celebrity Songwriter Ali Tamposi Shares Her Favorite Things Face The Free Sephora Birthday ...
I was absolutely in love with the original Gain from the 80s or 90s. I literally smelled this detergent on somebody and went down the aisle of detergent until I found it myself, that's how good it smelled. You guys have totally ruined your product. I am begging you guys to bring ...
Assessment of trends in the industry during the 19990s, resulting in a drop in fragrance sales in 2001; Comments from Thia Breen, senior vice president in charge of cosmetics at Bloomingdale's parent company, Federated Department Stores Inc., regarding the increase in sales as the result of ...
"I mean, fashion now is like an old lady that is dying on a bed," Michele says of these changes, which he sees as vital for the industry. "I think we can let this old lady die. Fashion has done a lot of wrong things. I started when I was very young, in the '90s, and it...