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“Everything is a matter of balance,” she says. “I like not having rules and challenging myself while creating fragrances with unexpected combinations.” “Amber is the perfect scent for whenever I feel feminine and flirty,” adds Chriselle Lim, founder of PHLUR. “I think it’s become ...
I definitely wouldn't like the smell of a detergent either if, to me, it smelled liked urine. Yuck.It is interesting that you don't like the scent, because I have received so many reviews from people who really love it. Interestingly though, Gain just recently added something called "...
Assessment of trends in the industry during the 19990s, resulting in a drop in fragrance sales in 2001; Comments from Thia Breen, senior vice president in charge of cosmetics at Bloomingdale's parent company, Federated Department Stores Inc., regarding the increase in sales as the result of ...