SceneNet RGB - D 数据集 配置步骤: 下载数据集:从官方网站( - rgbd.html)下载 SceneNet RGB - D 数据集。解压后,通过提供的 Python 脚本可以方便地导航和提取数据。 使用示例: 以下示例使用提供的脚本(假设已经正确配置脚本路径)提取 RGB - D 图像数据并进行简单处理。 import scenenet...
Download the validation set (15GB) and the validation set protobuf file from the SceneNet RGB-D project page. Extract the validation set (tar -xvzf val.tar.gz), to a location on you local machine. To avoid editing more code, you can place it directly within the data directory of this...
The foldersrc/datasetscontains the code to prepare NYUv2, SunRGB-D, Cityscapes, SceneNet RGB-D for training and evaluation. Please follow the instructions given for the respective dataset and store the created datasets in./datasets. For ImageNet, we usedTensorFlowDatasets(