Scan documents on Android or iPhone for FREE with our document scanning app. Download iScanner from App Store or Google Play and enjoy the best scanner application.
提供App 內購買項目 螢幕截圖 iPhone iPad 描述 新功能:全新高速掃描功能採用 AI 技術,實現快速批量掃描。翻閱文件、雜誌或書本,Adobe Scan 即可快速捕捉多頁內容。 Adobe Scan 掃描器可免費下載,將您的行動裝置搖身一變為可自動進行文字識別 (OCR) 的強大 PDF 掃描及 PDF 轉檔工具,輕鬆將您的紙本檔案轉換為數...
提供App 内购买项目 iPhone 截屏 简介 在家办公吗?来认识一下这款商务、学习和个人使用的最佳伴侣吧 ! Scanner+ 是一款由明星团队开发的便携式扫描仪与文件管理器,节省您的时间和存储空间,提高您的效率是它的目标。 您的iPhone摇身一变,成为一款完美的便携式扫描仪,即刻使用它扫描书面、印刷或图像材料,并转换为PD...
Scan documents on Android or iPhone for FREE with our document scanning app. Download iScanner from App Store or Google Play and enjoy the best scanner application.
提供App 內購買項目 螢幕截圖 iPhone iPad 描述 新功能:全新高速掃描功能採用 AI 技術,實現快速批量掃描。翻閱文件、雜誌或書本,Adobe Scan 即可快速捕捉多頁內容。 Adobe Scan 掃描器可免費下載,將您的行動裝置搖身一變為可自動進行文字識別 (OCR) 的強大 PDF 掃描及 PDF 轉檔工具,輕鬆將您的紙本檔案轉換為數...
Brother iPrint&Scan是一款免费软件,通过本地无线局域网连接至Brother打印机或多功能一体机后,即可轻松打印iPhone/iPod touch/ iPad中的照片、文档、网页,或者扫描文档至iPhone/iPod touch/ iPad。新增了一些高级功能(编辑,传真发送,传真预览,复印预览,设备状态)。有关支持此功能的机型列表,请访问您当地的Brother网站。
ScanGo is a little, simple, flexible, easy-to-use app with kinds of features satisfying different situations in your iPhone. It allows you to scan documents, certificates, credit cards, invoices, receipts, tickets and any paper with high quality image & PDF output. Also, you can extract tex...
Scan&Protect is the MOST SECURED DOCUMENT PROTECTING APP in the App Store today. It has absolutely unique crypto algorithm and most advanced crypto-generating system. Each your document is crypted and nobody can gain any type of access to it, even if your iPhone stolen and hacked. That's ...
Air Finder can help you Find Your Lost Headphone Earbuds, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and many other Bluetooth devices within seconds! This app is a great support for you. Use Air Finder when you or yo.. Read more My Device Finder David Lee See also: Top 10 Apps like My Device Find...
4. Review app permissions Do a thorough review of the permissions you have allowed to each application in your iPhone. Uninstall the applications which request for unnecessary permissions. This is because some of these applications abuse permissions granted to them in order to collect private data ...