此App 只能透過 iPhone 的 App Store 取得。BOOKSCAN for iPhone 4+ BOOKSCAN Inc. 免費 iPhone 截圖簡介 [詳細] 「BOOKSCAN」アプリは、BOOKSCANが提供する、お客様の蔵書をPDFファイル化したファイルをダウンロードをしてiPhone、iPadで楽しむ専用ツールです。iPhone、iPadそれぞれに合わせて最適...
iPhone iPad 描述 Genius Scan 是一款可裝入口袋的掃描器。 可隨時隨地快速掃描文件,並能匯出為JPEG或多頁PDF檔案。 *** Apple App of the Week *** 2000多萬使用者 *** 1000多家小企業 *** 將任何文件放在裝置的相機前面:我們的掃描儀應用程式會自動識別背景紙張,裁剪紙張並清理結果。您可以獲得清晰易讀的...
iPhone iPad 简介 Genius Scan是一款可装入口袋的扫描仪。 可随时随地快速扫描文档,并能导出为JPEG或多页PDF文件。 *** Apple App of the Week *** 2000多万用户 *** 1000多家小企业 *** 将任何文档放在设备的相机前面:我们的扫描仪应用程序会自动识别背景纸张,裁剪纸张并清理结果。您可以获得清晰易读的扫描...
Open the Mac App Store to buy and download apps.Scanner App Pro - Scan to PDF 4+ Document Scanner to PDF Pro Titano Digital Teknoloji Limited Şirketi Designed for iPhone 4.0 • 1 Rating Free Offers In-App Purchases iPhone ScreenshotsDescription Scan, print and manage documents with ...
Also when I tried to scan a QR code for a Citi bike it never zoomed in properly to scan. There are definitely some weird things happening with the 14 pro camera and apps. Anyone else seeing weird stuff like this? iPhone 14 Pro Posted on Sep 22, 2022 7:23 AM Me too (21) Rep...
软件介绍 Scan Bar-codes and QR codes on products and then look up the information. This app is easy to use. This is supported for all version of iPhone , iPad , iPod. QR & Bar-c...展开 更新内容 This app has been updated by Apple to use the latest Apple signing certificate. UI...
- View and modify the memory of running apps effortlessly - Debug apps and gain valuable insights into their memory usage - Cheat in games by accessing and modifying the game's memory - Create custom tweaks for your device, giving you complete control ...
you can absolutely scan photos on an iPhone using a few different methods, depending on the quality you’re looking for. In most situations, your iPhone camera is all you’ll need, but we’ll also show you how to scan photos using the Notes app and a couple of third-party apps that ...
Scan&Protect is the MOST SECURED DOCUMENT PROTECTING APP in the App Store today. It has absolutely unique crypto algorithm and most advanced crypto-generating system. Each your document is crypted and nobody can gain any type of access to it, even if your iPhone stolen and hacked. That's ...
Cannot scan QR codes My iPhone will not scan QR codes. I've read a number of threads on this and tried all proposed solutions to no avail. Yes, Scan QR codes is enabled in my Camera settings. Yes, I have re-started the phone multiple times. I've looked into QR scan apps, but th...