However, we were just pulling out of our house to head out the door to church when the cunning Craigslist couple arrived to collect. I got out of my car, introduced myself. They said they had just moved into town and were glad to get some free stuff. They seemed nice. Being the rea...
Much like Craigslist and eBay, however, Facebook Marketplace's large community, the ease of creating fraudulent profiles, and the lack of buyer and seller vetting make it attractive for scammers. Between October and December of 2023, Facebook took action on nearly 700 million fake accounts, ...
In fairness, Amazon is still better than buying from a scammer on eBay or Craigslist. Amazon’s customer service is designed to keep the customers happy, so you can always return products, and I’ve personally been offered small discount vouchers when my Amazon purchases have gone wrong. But...
Buying used car parts through automotive forums can be a great way to buy parts you couldn’t afford otherwise. Case in point – the elusive BBS LM wheels, my favorite wheels of all time. The BBS LMs cost $1179.00 a piece on VividRacing, which is one of the best prices I can...
A guy sent me an email wanting to buy my car off craigslist. He said he will pay the 3200 for the car but before the funds will be transferred into my account I need to send his "shipping agent" $950 via Western Union so he can have them come pick the car up, then $42...
Wow somebody has been busy on craigslist. First I got this one: Hi there, i am very interested in your listing,and i will like to makean offer of $28,500, and i will also like to know if the car is in avery good working condition. Let me know if you accept my offe...