Craigslist can be a great place to find cheap, local cars, but it can also be a breeding ground for scams.
Curbstoners are car dealers that pose as private individuals. They will post ads in various classified sites such as Craigslist and pretend to be the owner just trying to sell their car. You may be thinking this is harmless, but these curbstoners are not only breaking the law, but are usu...
Orinda the latest site of Craigslist car ad robbery scamsRobert Salonga
One of the most common automobile sale scams I hear about is Curbstoning. Before buying your next car on Craigslist, here’s how it works – and what to watch out for, particularly in the aftermaths of Harvey and Irma.
sales. And nondealer outlets like TrueCar, KBB,eBay Motors, and their direct-to-consumer sales partners are all excellent options with impressive new and used car inventories. You can also find used cars for sale on Craigslist, but I wouldn’t recommend it becausethese Craigslist scamsare so ...
. But scams are common in private auto sales, so stay on your toes. I have a friend who has bought several used cars on eBay or Craigslist, sight unseen. He does tons of research, asks lots of questions, and has even traveled over 1500 miles to close the deal. Amazingly, it's ...
A private-sale platform is another web-based option you can use to sell your car. Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist and eBay Motors are examples of this. Instead of selling to a car-buying company or a dealership network, you can sell your car directly to another person. ...
Platforms like Craigslist, eBay Motors and Facebook Marketplace are the most well known for these types of sales, but online services like Autotrader offer online marketplaces dedicated to private sellers and buyers. Pros Sellers often receive the most money for their used cars from private ...
Automotive enthusiast Josh Sadlier, a content strategist for, has been buying and selling cars on Craigslist for years. He says that he’s never had someone try to cheat him but that he’s developed a “sixth sense for when someone might be shady.” He adds that if he create...
Filed Under:Automobile Pre Purchase Inspections,Car Buying,Craigslist scams,Mobile inspection,Our thoughts,Out of State Inspection,Portland Car buying,Scams,Things we see,Used Car,Vancouver Car Buying We’re Hiring Tuesday, August 8thByJosh