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That's where the map scale becomes a factor. A map scale is the mathematical ratio between a small unit of measurement on a map, like a centimeter or inch, to the corresponding real-world unit of distance, like a kilometer or a mile. This map scale shows a ratio of 5 centimeters to...
McDougal Littell Evidence-Based Small-Scale Study Final Report: 7TH GRADE LIFE SCIENCE Technical Report, 07-31-05on the student outcomes. The most consistent predictors of student outcomes were student- and classroom-level pretest scores on the achievement and attitude measures. That is, students ...
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As the two pathways are decoupled in this architecture, arbitrarily large context can be processed by the second pathway by simply adjusting the down-sampling factor FD. The size of the pathways can be independently adjusted according to the computational capacity and the task at hand, which may...
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. VRN1 is a member of the MADS-box superfamily and belongs to the Type II family of MADS-transcription factors. This type of MADS proteins bind to the serum response element (SRE) in the promoter region of target genes and are characterized by the presence of a myocyte enhancer factor 2...
Furthermore, annual concentration adjustment factor to data can be applied (LAQMTG16, 2018). De Craemer et al. (2020) have recently shown the validity of this extrapolation procedure in a similar large-scale citizen science campaign. We will use the annual adjusted data in all the forthcoming...
https://www.codefactor.io/. Accessed 17 Sept 2018 Collobert R, Bengio S, Mariethoz J (2002) Torch: a modular machine learning software library (no. epfl-report-82802). Technical report, IDIAP Collobert R, Kavukcuoglu K, Farabet C (2011) Torch7: a MATLAB-like environment for machine ...