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The confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) confirmed a four-factor structure of the 21-item IPS-W. All fit indices were satisfactory (χ2/df ≤ 3, RMSEA < 0.08). These items were verified through convergent, discriminant, known group validity, concurrent validity testing. The internal ...
That's where the map scale becomes a factor. A map scale is the mathematical ratio between a small unit of measurement on a map, like a centimeter or inch, to the corresponding real-world unit of distance, like a kilometer or a mile. This map scale shows a ratio of 5 centimeters to...
It can be considered that students’ grade level, family structure, socioeconomic status, teacher factor, or used teaching methods may affect the gender variable. Effect of the Support Education Period on the Attitudes of Secondary School Students with Special Needs towards Science Course When ...
McDougal Littell Evidence-Based Small-Scale Study Final Report: 7TH GRADE LIFE SCIENCE Technical Report, 07-31-05on the student outcomes. The most consistent predictors of student outcomes were student- and classroom-level pretest scores on the achievement and attitude measures. That is, students ...
We collected survey data from fifth- and sixth-grade medical students from five different universities varying in location and type. Structural validity, convergent validity, and internal consistency reliability were examined. Results Data from 122 respondents were analyzed. Factor analysis of the Japanese...
Research group is consisted of 450 students of 6th, 7th and 8th grade of three secondary school in Sakarya, one private and two public schools, in 2008-2009 academic year. Content validity and face validity of the scale was provided via expert judgment. Confirmatory and exploratory factor ...
Confirmatory factor analysis revealed a satisfactory global fit of the four-factor (ideation, skills, use, and self-regulation) model to the data, providing internal structure-based evidence. Significant correlations between self-efficacy ratings, writing proficiency, and writing self-regulated learning ...