Fornesting loops, we can place the second loop inside the body of the first loop. This is the traditional way and most used one too. And is done like this, loop1{ loop2{ //code to be executed… } } Example of Nested for loop objectMyClass{defmain(args:Array[String]){vari,j=0;...
Note that this is an equivalent expression, using parentheses instead of brackets: for ( x <- 1 to 2 y <- 'a' to 'd' ) println("(" + x + "," + y + ")") In order to get all of the combinations into a single vector, we canyieldthe result and set it to aval: val a ...
Second, the array of arrays is iterated using a nested loop. First, each String array is in the array of arrays is assigned to thevalanArray. Then each String value of each String array is assigned to thevaluaString. The above nested loop is equivalent to this old school nested for loop...
(warning--this depends on details of how the takeWhile test and the foreach are interleaved during evaluation, and probably shouldn't be used in practice!). (1b) Use tail recursion instead of a for loop, taking advantage of how easy it is to write a new method in Scala: var sum = ...
We use nested for loops to iterate through the elements of the two-dimensional array. The outer loop (for (i <- 0 to 1)) iterates over the rows. The 'i’ takes values 0 and 1, corresponding to the two rows of arr. The inner loop (for (j <- 0 to 4)) iterates over the co...
object MyClass { def main(args: Array[String]) { var i,j=0 for(i <- 0 to 3){ for(j <- 0 until 2){ if(i + j == 3){ print((i*j)+"\t") } } } } } 3 3 2 0 0 2 1 1Answer: B) 2 0Explanation:In a nested loop, we will print values, The first iteration is...
object NestedBranch { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit={ println("请输入性别:") var sex=StdIn.readChar()if(sex == '男'){ println("进入男子组") }elseif(sex == '女'){ println("进入女子组") println("请输入成绩:") var score=StdIn.readDouble()if(score < 8.0){ ...
Scala nested function A nested function, also called an inner function, is a function defined inside another function. main.scala def minmax(x: Int, y: Int) = val min = (x: Int, y: Int) => if x < y then x else y val max = (x: Int, y: Int) => if x > y then x else...
另外,类可以被子类化,而且Scala还提供了基于mixin的组合(mixin-based composition)。与只支持单继承的语言相比,Scala具有更广泛意义上的类重用。Scala还包含了若干函数式语言的关键概念,包括高阶函数(Higher-Order Function)、局部套用(Currying)、嵌套函数(Nested Function)、序列解读(Sequence Comprehensions)等等。
In Scala, tuples can store a fixed number of elements into it. The maximum limit for storing elements is 22. If we try to store elements greater its size, then it will generate one error. But in Scala, we have one alternative to overcome this problem: nested tuples by which we can ...