回文函数是一种用于判断一个字符串是否是回文的函数。回文是指正着读和倒着读都一样的字符串。在Scala中,可以使用for循环来实现一个回文函数。 下面是一个使用for循环的Scala回文函数的示例代码: 代码语言:txt 复制 def isPalindrome(str: String): Boolean = { val len = str.length for (i <- 0 until ...
$ scalacTest.scala $ scalaTestValueof a:1Valueof b:1Valueof a:1Valueof b:2Valueof a:1Valueof b:3Valueof a:2Valueof b:1Valueof a:2Valueof b:2Valueof a:2Valueof b:3Valueof a:3Valueof b:1Valueof a:3Valueof b:2Valueof a:3Valueof b:3 for 循环集合 for 循环集合的语法如...
If you’re familiar with the Scala for comprehension syntax, you know that you can add if statements to your for loop construct. Tests like these are often referred to as “guards,” and you can combine them with the yield syntax, as shown here: scala>val a=Array(1,2,3,4,5)a:Arra...
Scala 循环 for 循环允许您编写一个执行指定次数的循环控制结构。 语法 Scala 语言中for循环的语法: for(varx<-Range){statement(s);} 以上语法中,Range可以是一个数字区间表示i to j,或者i until j。左箭头 <- 用于为变量 x 赋值。 实例 以下是一个使用了i to j语法(包含 j)的实例: ...
In Scala we havefor-comprehensions as an imperative-looking syntax for writing monadic code, e.g. for{ x<-foo y<-bar(x) z<-baz }yield(y, z) Each monadic assignmenta <- maunwrapsa pure valuea: Afrom a monadic valuema: M[A]so that it can be used later in the computation. But...
Using Scala version 2.11.8 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_171) Type in expressions to have them evaluated. Type :help for more information. scala> val df = spark.read.format("cobol").option("copybook", "/data/example1/test3_copybook.cob").load("/data/example1/data") ...
scala>x.foreach { println }1 2 3 If you've used a programming language like Ruby, this syntax will look familiar to you. Note that this is a relatively common way to use theforeachmethod. Becauseforeachtakes a procedure that doesn’t return anything, and because the result offoreachis...
while (x < 5) { println(x); x += 1}while loop do { println(x); x += 1} while (x < 5)do while loop importscala.util.control.Breaks._ breakable { for (x <- xs) { if (Math.random < 0.1) break } }break (slides) ...
The range-based for loop is syntactic sugar for the most common use case. // before C++11 for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator it = vec.begin(); it != vec.end(); ++it) { // after C++11 for (const auto& val : vec) { Lambda Functions This is a new syntax allowing ...