valscores:scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, Int]=newjava.util.TreeMap[String, Int] 除此之外,你还能够得到从java.util.Properties到Map[String。String]的转换: import scala.collection.JavaConversions.propertiesAsScalaMap valprops:Scala.collection.Map[String, String] = System.getProperties() Scala到Jav...
下面的代码片段是一个简单的例子来定义所有上述集合类型: // Define List of integers.val x=List(1,2,3,4)// Define a set.varx=Set(1,3,5,7)// Define a map.val x=Map("one"->1,"two"->2,"three"->3)// Create a tuple of two elements.val x=(10,"Scala")// Define an optionv...
// Define a map.键/值对 val x = Map("one " -> 1, "two " -> 2, "three" -> 3) val colors = Map("red" -> "#FF0000", "azure" -> "#F0FFFF") // Create a tuple of two elements.元组可以容纳不同类型的对象 val x = (10, "Scala") val t = (1, "hello", Console) ...
例如:val result = for (elem <- arr) yield 2*elem // result = Array(...) 除了for循环,还可以使用filter, map来完成数组转换。例如:a.filter(_ % 2 == 0).map(2 * _) 从数组缓冲中移除某个元素效率并不高。 3.4 与Java的互操作 由于Scala数组是Java数组(Java.util.List)实现的,我们可以在Ja...
最灵活的变体是以一个Config对象为参数,你可以使用ConfigFactory中的任何方法加载。例如,你可以在代码中使用ConfigFactory.parseString()处理一个配置字符串,或者你可以使用ConfigFactory.parseMap()创建一个映射,或者也可以加载一个文件。 你也可以将自定义的配置与通常的配置组合起来,像这样: ...
A collection in package scala.collection can be either mutable or immutable. For instance, collection.IndexedSeq[T] is a superclass of both collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[T] and collection.mutable.IndexedSeq[T] Generally, the root collections in package scala.collection define the same interface ...
Scala collections are also divided into immutable collections and mutable collections. The set includes sequence Seq, set Set, and mapping Map, whi...
它不能编译,编译器会提示The target type of this expression must be a functional interface。错误信息很容易引起误解,而且似乎 Java 8通过泛型参数并不支持类型接口。即使使用一个 Functionalinterface 的实例(如前面提到的「STR」),也会出现另一个错误The type Supplier<String> does not define indexOf(Supplier...
Creating a Scala Map There are different syntax to define mutable and immutableScala maps, Syntax Syntax for creating immutable maps: map_name = Map(key_1 -> value_1, key_2 -> value_2, key_3 -> value_3) Syntax Syntax for creating mutable maps: ...