valscores:scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, Int]=newjava.util.TreeMap[String, Int] 除此之外,你还能够得到从java.util.Properties到Map[String。String]的转换: import scala.collection.JavaConversions.propertiesAsScalaMap valprops:Scala.collection.Map[String, String] = System.getProperties() Scala到Jav...
下面的代码片段是一个简单的例子来定义所有上述集合类型: // Define List of integers.val x=List(1,2,3,4)// Define a set.varx=Set(1,3,5,7)// Define a map.val x=Map("one"->1,"two"->2,"three"->3)// Create a tuple of two elements.val x=(10,"Scala")// Define an optionv...
Map是一种键值对的集合,一般将其翻译为映射 //直接初始化 // ->操作符,左边是key,右边是value scala> val studentInfo=Map("john" -> 21, "stephen" -> 22,"lucy" -> 20) studentInfo: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,Int] = Map(john -> 21, stephe n -> 22, lucy -> 20) //immut...
objectMyClass{defmain(args:Array[String]):Unit={varmap=scala.collection.mutable.Map[Int,String](1->"Akash",2->"Ram",3->"Kiran")if(map.contains(1)){println("value "+map(1)+" exists in the map")}else{println("value does nor exist")}println("\nFor second value :\n")if(map.c...
// Define a map.键/值对 val x = Map("one " -> 1, "two " -> 2, "three" -> 3) val colors = Map("red" -> "#FF0000", "azure" -> "#F0FFFF") // Create a tuple of two elements.元组可以容纳不同类型的对象 val x = (10, "Scala") ...
...Flink支持任意的Java或是Scala类型,通过Java Reflection框架分析基于Java的Flink程序UDF(User Define Function)的返回类型的类型信息,通过Scala...Compiler分析基于Scala的Flink程序UDF的返回类型的类型信息。 2.1K30 Apache Spark 2.2.0 中文文档 - Structured Streaming 编程指南 | ApacheCN...
WSClient is a wrapper around the underlying AsyncHttpClient. It is useful for defining multiple clients with different profiles, or using a mock. You can define a WS client directly from code without having it injected by WS, and then use it implicitly withWS.clientUrl(): ...
You can also define a new template or edit the existing one. Select Settings | Editor | Live Templates, and from options on the right, open the list of Scala templates. If you want to add a new template, click . If you want to edit the existing template, select the one you need an...
So for example, to define an action expecting a json body (as in the previous example):def save = Action(parse.json) { request: Request[JsValue] => Ok("Got: " + (request.body \ "name").as[String]) }Note this time that the type of the body is JsValue, which makes it easier...
Define windows in partitioned KeyedStreams. A window groups each key according to some characteristics (for example, data received within the latest 5 seconds. def windowAll[W <: Window](assigner: WindowAssigner[_ >: T, W]): AllWindowedStream[T, W] ...