解决了这个问题,在编写Flink scala应用程序时做了以下更改,它有一组不同的导入。
classMapFuncextendsRichMapFunction[String,Any]{varclazz:Class[_]=_overridedefopen(parameters:Configuration):Unit= {importscala.reflect.runtime.universeimportscala.tools.reflect.ToolBoxvaltb = universe.runtimeMirror(universe.getClass.getClassLoader).mkToolBox() clazz = tb.compile(tb.parse("""|case ...
Map() function giving error in spark Ask Question Asked 7 years, 4 months ago Modified 7 years, 4 months ago Viewed 195 times 0 I am new to the spark programming. I have come across a scenario, to map each element of an RDD to another format. So I tried to get the 2nd element ...
we have used thetoMapmethod. As the list has single value and map needs to values we have used indexes as key using thezipWithIndexmethod that adds index values starting from 0 to every element of the list in the map. Using these function we have created the Map with name map and prin...
IN_WORD};struct timeval begin, end;#ifdef TIMINGunsigned int library_time = 0;#endif/** mystrcmp()* Comparison function to compare 2 words*/int mystrcmp(const void *s1, const void *s2){return strcmp((const char *)s1, (const char *) s2);}/** mykeyvalcmp()* Comparison function ...
As with other Scala collections, flatMap flattens the collections returned by the mapping function into a single, flat one. As before, Map::flatMap comes in two flavors, as the mapping function can either return a single element or a pair: def flatMap[K2, V2](f: ((K, V)) => Iter...
map()method in Scala is a built-in function in Scala that is used for the transformation of the collection in Scala. Themap()method is defined for all collection object methods in Scala. Also, the method takes a conversion function which is used while converting the collections. For themap...
map(function, iterable) 其中,function 参数表示要传入一个函数,其可以是内置函数、自定义函数或者 lambda 匿名函数;iterable 表示一个或多个可迭代对象,可以是列表、字符串等。 map() 函数的功能是对可迭代对象中的每个元素,都调用指定的函数,并返回一个 map 对象。
def map[R: TypeInformation](coMapper: CoMapFunction[IN1, IN2, R]): DataStream[R] Perform mapping operation, which is similar to map and flatMap operation in a ConnectedStreams, on elements. After the operation, the type of the new DataStreams is string. ...
val info= data.map(newRichMapFunction[String, String] { val counter=newLongCounter() override def open(parameters: Configuration): Unit={ getRuntimeContext.addAccumulator("element-scala-counter", counter) } override def map(in: String): String={ ...