JetBrains s.r.o. Get Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA (Ultimate, Community), Android Studio
Learn more. With your consent, JetBrains may also use cookies and your IP address to collect individual statistics and provide you with personalized offers and ads subject to the Privacy Notice and the Terms of Use. JetBrains may use third-party services for this purpose. You can adjust or ...
1、官网下载,找到自己的IDEA对应版本的插件 Scala - IntelliJ IDEs Plugin | JetBrains Marketplace2、在IDEA中,在左上角找到 File-> Setting-> Plugins->Install plugin from disk,选择下载的压缩包 …
with id `org.custom.plugin`, download it using the direct link https://org.example/path/to/your/ intellijPlugins += "org.custom.plugin:https://org.example/path/to/your/".toPlugin // add custom plugin with id `org.custom.plugin` and resolve it from Marketplace. ...
Install one of the Scala IDEsThe Scala IDE(based on Eclipse),IntelliJ IDEA with the Scala plugin,orNetBeans IDE with the Scala plugin. 安装集成在IDE的支持工具 可以在eclipse下安装,在Eclipse的Marketplace,搜索Scala,找到The Scala IDE for Eclipse。
The following two popular IDEs support Play and Scala-Based Applications Development: IntelliJ IDEA Eclipse IDE They support by using Scala Plugins like Eclipse IDE has a Scala IDE for Eclipse to support Play and Scala-Based Applications Development. IntelliJ IDEA has a plug-in like “Scala Plugi...
122.0 Plugin Scala: scala.lang.psi.stubs.index (in org.jetbrains.plugins) 107.0 <JIT compiler> 71.6 <unidentified: JobScheduler FJ pool> 52.3 it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints 35.2 module.impl.scopes (in com.intellij.openapi) 30.3 grazie.speller.utils (in com.intellij) ...
Scala plugin issues I have a multi-module SBT project using RDF libraries in Spark 3.0. The dependency trees are large. At some point, almost at random, after modifying the build.sbt file the IntelliJ IDE with the latest Scala plugin fails to extract and synchronize the project structure ...
Eclipse 里需要装三个插件。m2eclipse, scala-ide, m2eclipse-scala。Maven需要maven-scala-plugin插件。...
with id `org.custom.plugin`, download it using the direct link https://org.example/path/to/your/ intellijPlugins += "org.custom.plugin:https://org.example/path/to/your/".toPlugin // add custom plugin with id `org.custom.plugin` and resolve it from Marketplace. ...