Support for Java and Scala (also mixed projects) Support for Maven with Java and Scala IntelliJ IDEA The IntelliJ IDE supports Maven out of the box and offers a plugin for Scala development. IntelliJ download: IntelliJ Scala Plugin:
Some XML plugins in IntelliJ were causing this. (even though format on save is disabled) ypeckstadt requested a review from brfrn169 July 10, 2024 00:24 ypeckstadt added 5 commits July 12, 2024 09:51 Undo formatting on spotbugs-exclude.xml file b55c508 Merge branch 'feat/data-...
(Note that when I just ignore this error and go on to try to build the project in Android Studio, i get “This version of the Android Support plugin for IntelliJ IDEA cannot open this project, please retry with version 4.2 or newer.” Not sure that is related or not… This is fr...
有时候我们刚进入 Intellij IDEA时会出现这样一个情况,原因是IDEA没有找到spring的配置文件,我们需要添加spring文件给idea管理 参考: 1、 2、http://chenda...
描述:IntelliJ IDEA 官方出的学习辅助插件 官网: JRebel Plugin 描述:项目热更新,提高效率(可惜要收费) 官网:
Hi All, I created a new Scala Project and created a new module. From my module directory, I did : - Righ click Add Framework Support -...
I want to run scala code in IntelliJ Idea.I donot see option scala in Add Framework Support. Therefore i don't see option to create scala...
1,问题描述 (1)最近打算开发一个 Spark 项目,为了将 Scala 框架添加到这个项目中,过去我只需在项目名称上右键菜单中点击“添加框架支持”(Add Framework Support…)即可。 (2)而新版的 IntelliJ IDEA(我这里使用的是 2023.2.6)右键菜单找不到“添加框架支持”...
Scala框架。在scala0513项目上,点击右键->AddFrameworkSupport… ->选择Scala->点击OK注意:如果是第一次引入框架... disk…,找到插件存储路径E:\02_software\scala-2.11.8\,最后点击ok。 2.插件在线安装步骤 (1)在
scala开发新建文件,不显示scala class 首先,鼠标选定项目,单击右键,,其次,选择AddFrameWorksSupport,弹出第二张图,选择scala。图片展示如下:(改方法仅限配置好plugin,选择文件夹为source之后还不出现scala class的情形) intellij idea 构建 基于spring springmvc hibernate的maven项目《一》 ...