The meaning of SCAFFOLDING is a system of scaffolds; also : material for scaffolds. How to use scaffolding in a sentence.
What is scaffolding in education? Read a scaffolding definition and learn about scaffolding theory, plus see a list of scaffolding teaching...
Consequently, if a choice must be made, an FL learning strategy in which learners acquire words while making gestures congruent with their meaning would be highly desirable.García-Gámez, Ana BelénMacizo, PedroBrain Sciences (2076-3425)
Feedback; Fixed/adaptive scaffolds; Guided participation; Hard/soft scaffolding; Implicit/explicit scaffolds; Scripts; Supporting student-centered learning tasks/environments; Zone of proximal developmentDefinition Scaffolding is a reciprocal feedback process in which a more expert other (e.g., teacher, ...
Try two years of teaching, we found that "Scaffolding Teaching" to make up for the collective teaching "across the board" stereotyped teaching methods, to stimulate the enthusiasm of the children take the initiative to explore the objective world, children's learning in the teaching, make first ...
All of these different types of scaffolds can be useful in different situations, and to suit the needs of different pupils at different points in the learning process. They can be provided by people, resources or technology, and can be planned in advance or offered “in the momen...
Synonyms Dynamic assessment ; Peer-tutoring ; Zone of proximal development Definition A learning process by which interaction with another individual occurs, resulting in higher competency. Description The term instructional scaffolding is a metaphor referencing its original meaning in construction; a tempora...
“支架”理论在E-learning环境中的应用研究 2. Apart from its great theoretical value in linguistic study, scaffolding is highly valued in many disciplines. “支架”理论自问世以来 ,受到语言学界和应用语言学界的极大关注。 2) Scaffolding Theory ...
children'slearningintheteaching,makefirstappearancein "butalsotheabilityofTeacherEducationgraduallyinthe captureopportunity"theScaffoldingTeaching". Keywordschildren;collective;support; Peopleorientedisthebasicconceptofmoderneducation,with thestudyofmodernpsychologyandeducationdevelopment, peoplegraduallyrealizethattheproces...
Li ,D. Scaffolding adult learners of English in learning target form in a I-long Kong EFL university classroom [J]. Innova- tion in Language Learning and Teaching. 2011:1 -18.Li, D. (2012). Scaffolding adult learners of English in learning target form in a Hong Kong EFL university ...