Take some time to think about your own classroom or children. Choose a skill you are working towards mastery with them. Assess what you believe the ZPD is for each of your children and break down the task into individual skills that can be scaffolded. When we properly support our children,...
Scaffolded Course Packs These Course Packs are a set of pre-built assignments that are built to make scaffolding easier. The assignments enable students to build skills in a structured way through a steady lessening of support and a subtle increase in complexity. Learn More Textbook Course Pa...
Looking for online definition of SCAFO or what SCAFO stands for? SCAFO is listed in the World's most authoritative dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms
What is Maths Mastery? What are 2d shapes? What are 3d shapes? You can find plenty of geometry lesson plans and printable worksheets for primary school pupils on theThird Space LearningMaths Hub. Learnabout the scaffolded lesson contentorrequest a personalised quote for your schoolto speak to u...
Introducing the concept of composite numbers to Year 5 pupils on Third Space Learning’s online intervention. How does this relate to other areas of mathematics? Outside of identifying numbers as prime or composite, it is unlikely that students will be required to know that numbers are composite...
This chapter opens with a story of two students whose interpreting experience has been scaffolded through a series of situated learning activities. The authors describe the theoretical grounding of situated learning, including principles of learning transfer, cognitive apprenticeships, authentic learning ...
The inquiry-based design model is central to the C3 Framework. This model, according to research from 2020, features the following: Inquires developed by teachers for students Compelling questions for students to answer through scaffolded learning experiences Specific standards from the C3 Framework Supp...
Project-based learning (PBL) is an inquiry-based approach, in which students work independently or in small groups to solve a problem or answer a complex question. The project takes place over an extended period of time. This child-centred approach draws on the ideas of Swiss psychologist Jean...
This research investigated preservice teachers' perceptions of the influence of video cases on their learning and how such cases were implemented in a literacy methods course—namely, using two approaches: Scaffolded and open-ended. Interviews and a survey formed the sources of data. Results indicate...
Websites likeScratchhave development environments, allowing kids to make amazing creations by learning from the community. Kids who'd like more guidance can benefit from the structured and scaffolded coding curriculum offered byTynkerand Code.org. Those who prefer to learn with a tutor can learn to...