在这些领域的工作中应用SC-Database是必备的工具。 SC-Database允许用户及其快速的获得重要的已发表的金属-配体稳定常数,因为它有超过22000的相关文献和交互式显示光谱的应用,以校正温度或离子浓度的改变等等。 综合分子模拟平台 材料学 理论与应用化学 生物药物 索引 数据库...
在64 位版本的Windows中,32 位 DLL存放文件夹为C:\Windows\SysWOW64, 64 位 dll存放文件夹为C:\Windows\System32。 2、dll文件拷贝完成后,打开“开始-运行-输入regsvr32 scdatabase.dll”,回车即可解决或按win+R键,输regsvr32 scdatabase.dll,回车。 此方法相对第一种方法复杂很多,如果您对电脑不是很熟悉的...
SCDatabase.dll 文件列表 文件大小X86/X64文件版本文件描述MD5 172KX86v3.2.15scdatabase ModuleB89716A5ADF657749919103DB75A3EE2 该文件总计1个版本,请下载到本地查看详情 如何选择&使用 第一步:您从我们网站下载下来文件之后,先将其解压(一般都是zip压缩包)。
Access denied for user ‘itstar‘@‘%localhost‘ to database ‘sc‘,今天发现数据库报这个错,经过排查,原因如下。
Before installing IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services Repository, a database must be running and accessible. A connection to the database is required in order to establish the necessary control tables and infrastructure.
sc15 database system for pharmacological screening: a client/server approach for data management using oracledoi:10.1016/0928-0987(94)90097-3Cefalà, A.Bellello, V.Negrello, I.Landi, M.European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
TechNet Library Entry for Database Sizing and PerformanceI just recently found out about it, and as I know many of you have had questions about this for a long time, I figured I would pass it along.:)enJOY!中文(简体) 你的隐私选择 主题 管理Cookie 早期版本 博客 参与 隐私 使用条款...
database and gain additional insight into behavior. Numerical models were developed and benchmarked to predict the out-of-plane behavior of SC walls, and the conservatism of international design codes was evaluated using an experimental database. The experimental database was separated into two sets...
Database and IT Consulting Leadership from a team that delivers Tech Enablers provides the critical services you need for your projects, large and small. We have worked with companies, universities and groups of all sizes. Database Services ...
| How to use the 'Database'? This module provides three ways to search the database and further infer properties of the query molecule. They are 'Accurate Search', 'Range' and 'Similarity'. Step 1: Click to go to index page. Step 2: Input SMILES. Here we use the example(Ibuprofe...