The IUPAC Stability Constants Database Metal-ligand stability constants(SC )are of vast importance to all scientists(not just chemists )working quantitatively in solution.IUPAC has been actively involved in the compilation of literature values of such constants for over half ......
Official git repository for Biopython (originally converted from CVS) - biopython/Bio/Data/ at biopython-179 · biopython/biopython
As measured by extent of correct InChI- > Structure- > InChI conversion of a ~39 million structures collection derived from PubChem Compound, the current software correctly restores the structure in ~99.95% casesc. As a response to a requirement for a more compact identifier, a shorter hash-...
(2-),and PO_4~(3-).The analysis used data from the IUPAC Stability Constants database,SC-Database,focusing particularly on values for 25degC and perchlorate media.Specific ion interaction theory (SIT) was applied to reliable data available for the ionic strength range /c<=3.0 mol dm~(-3...
K. J. Powell, The IUPAC Stability Constants Database, Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 1992-2000.Powell, K.J.: IUPAC Stability Constants Database. Academic Software, in cooperation with the Royal Society of Chemistry (2000)SCQuery. The IUPAC Stability Constants Database, Academic Software (...
The IUPAC Stability Constants Database (SC Database) is the most comprehensive compilation of stability constants available, now covering the years 1877 to 2002. It is a major research tool for those involved in equilibrium modeling of environmental, biological, and industrial systems, and it is ...
Such values are derived from data reported in the IUPAC Stability Constants database,SC-Database[2003PET], and extrapolated to zero ionic strength (Im= 0 mol kg–1) using appropriatespecific ion interaction theory (SIT) functions [97GRE]. A consequence of this SIT approach, whichtypically ...
Ar No data Present in incandescent light bulbs, fluorescent tubes and low-energy light bulbs. Sc§ 9.5 A rare Earth element (REE); due to its photophysical properties, it is often used as lasers in dentistry and high-intensity discharge lamps. ...
20calciumCa40.078(4)g21scandiumSc44.955 912(6)22titaniumTi47.867(1)23vanadiumV50.9415(1)24chromiumCr51.9961(6)25manganeseMn54.938 045(5)26ironFe55.845(2)27cobaltCo58.933 195(5)28nickelNi58.6934(4)r29copperCu63.546(3)r30zincZn65.38(2)r31galliumGa69.723(1)32germaniumGe72.64(1)33arsenicAs74.921...
The IUPAC Stability Constants Database (SC Database) is the most comprehensive compilation of stability constants available,now covering the years 1877 to 2002.It is a major research tool for those involved in equilibrium modeling of environmental,biological,and industrial systems,and it is the ...