ATAC-Seq方法的最初发明者Jason Buenrostro及其同事着手通过调整ATAC-Seq协议使其与单细胞分析兼容来改进ATAC-Seq,并发表在《自然》杂志上。 他们最初的实验使用Fluidigm C1的微流体平台来帮助他们研究单细胞,但如今许多单细胞ATAC-Seq(scATAC-Seq)方案使用10X Genomics平台。分离单细胞后,用 Tn5 转座酶标记它们,并使...
To evaluate the performance of scNanoATAC-seq on capturing chromatin accessibility in individual cells, we tested the scNanoATAC-seq method in five human cell lines (GM12878, eHAP1, HEK293T, HFF-1 and K562) as well as in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). The medians of ...
(TGS)platform-based single-molecule long-read sequencing.To integrate advantages of long-read sequencing into scATAC-seq,we developed single-cell assay for transposase鈥恆ccessible chromatin on Nanopore sequencing platform(scNanoATAC-seq),a platebased scATAC-seq method suitable for TGS platform(...
To be specific, scBridge first warms up the networks using the annotated data (Step b). After that, the networks are transferred to scATAC-seq data. However, such a vanilla transfer paradigm would misclassify scATAC-seq cells due to the modality gap between RNA and ATAC omics. Hence, to ...
SCbrowse is an interactive browser for single-cell ATAC-seq data. It allows to simultaneously explore the accessibility patterns of selected cells in the embedding space and for selected genomic regions. The tools freely available under a GNU Lesser General Public License v3 or later (LGPLv3+)....
使用ArchR分析单细胞ATAC-seq数据(第十一章) 第11章: 使用ArchR鉴定标记Peak 在讨论基因得分(gene score)这一章中,我们已经介绍了标记特征的鉴定。相同的函数getMakerFeatures()也能够用于从ArchRProject任意矩阵中鉴定标记特征。所谓的标记特征指的是相对于其他细胞分组唯一的特征。这些特征能帮助我们理解类群或者细胞...
下面概述的细胞类型注释策略是单细胞ATAC-seq数据中可能的细胞类型注释方法,不是cell Ranger ATAC软件的一部分。 Strategy 1. Annotation Using Cis-Regulatory Elements 使用Loupe cell Browser 3.1.1分析10321个bmmc和9084个CD34+细胞的ATAC-seq单胞数据。对CD34+祖细胞、CD4+ T细胞、CD8+/NK细胞、B细胞、单核细胞...
综上所述,我们证明了针对单个细胞ATAC-seq数据的三种互补细胞类型注释策略。所选择的cell 类型注释方法将取决于对感兴趣的示例类型或类似的示例类型可用的知识或数据。第一种策略是使用已知的cell类型标记,这是最简单的,并且可以在Loupe中很容易地显示出来。第二和第三种策略需要额外的生物信息处理和互补的参考数据集(...