We describe the use of the SBP-tag, a new streptavidin-binding peptide, for both the one-step purification and the detection of recombinant proteins. The SBP-tag sequence is 38 amino acids long and binds to streptavidin with an equilibrium dissociation constant of 2.5 nM. We demonstrate that ...
Streptavidin Binding Peptide (SBP) tag is very versatile and can be inserted into expression vectors for easy detection of recombinant proteins and purification by use of affinity columns. The full sequence for SBP-tag is 38 amino acids long and exhibi
通过对其可 图4 糜子SBP基因结构 UTR: 非翻译区; CDS: 编码序列 Figure 4 Gene structure of SBP in Panicum miliaceum UTR: Untranslated region; CDS: Coding sequence © 植物学报 Chinese Bulletin of Botany 段政勇等: 糜子 SBP 基因家族全基因组鉴定及表达分析 237 图5 糜子SBP基因在染色体上的分布 ...
Streptavidin Binding Peptide (SBP) tag is very versatile and can be inserted into expression vectors for easy detection of recombinant proteins and purification by use of affinity columns. The full sequence for SBP-tag is 38 amino acids long and exhibits a nanomolar scale binding affinity for stre...
表 1 qRT-PCR 引物序列 Table 1 Primer sequences for qRT-PCR Gene name Forward primer (5′–3′) PM13G22100 PM10G18000 PM07G33040 PM03G01570 Actin CTCATATGGCAGCCAGGGTA AGTTCGACGAGGCCAAGAG GCTTCCCTTTCCTGACCAAT GGTCACAATGAGCGTCGG CGAAGCCCC TCTTAACCC Reverse primer (5′–3′) CAGGCATTGA...
首先应用GENSCAN将在NCBI下载的玉米基因组B73 V5b+参考序列基因组(http://www.maizesequence. org/v5b+)数据预测得到蛋白序列, 并利用HMMER 3.0软件中的hmmsearch对这些蛋白进行转录因子预测(参数为默认设置)[20]。然后, 利用在线数据库SMART (http://smart.embl-heidelberg.de/)对候选SBP转录因子结构域进行鉴定,...
LGPL-2.1 license -*- indented-text -*- Introduction === Hedgehog is a very concise implementation of a LISP-like language for low-end and embedded devices, primarily for machine-to-machine systems. It consists of a compiler to byte code and a corresponding interpreter. The byte code interpre...
手机:18901268599 地址:北京 已注册 详细信息 咨询记录(共0条) Name质粒名称: BioVector® Bst-SBP Description描述: Map图谱: Sequence序列: Promoter启动子: Synonyms别名: Bacterial resistance原核抗性: Selection Marker真核筛选标记: Reporter/Tag荧光报告基因/标签: ...
sequencelisting <110>华中农业大学 <120>一种红斑丹毒丝菌抗原蛋白sbp及应用 <130>一种红斑丹毒丝菌抗原蛋白sbp及应用 <160>2 <170>patentinversion3.5 <210>1 <211>1221 <212>dna <213>人工序列 <400>1 gattctgaagaagtaaccattaaatattggaacttcccaaactttaccaatgatcaagaa60 ...