postclose `myfile' use `results', clear twoway kdensity R2 if j == 1 || kdensity R2 if j == 0 *--- end example --- (For more on how to use examples I sent to the Statalist, see Hope this helps, Maarten --- Maarten...
st: Save t-stats of a series of regressions to a matrix FromDaniel Park <> Subjectst: Save t-stats of a series of regressions to a matrix DateTue, 18 Jun 2013 01:27:50 +0200...
The results are robust when choosing different definitions for rural and urban areas. 20 Another effective falsification test would be the application of the regression discontinuity (RD) design model to the Spanish municipalities that, during this time period, did not implement the NEBC policy at ...
Moreover, we use the Geographically and Temporally Weighted Regression (GTWR) to analyze the spatial-temporal heterogeneity of its driving factors. The results show that: (i) during the sample period, China's energy efficiency shows a rapidly upward trend, accompanied by the gradually strengthening...
use, clear (Applied Logistic Regression, Hosmer & Lemeshow) . bootstrap ratio=exp(_b[smoke]-_b[ptd]), seed(1) cluster(pairid): clogit low > lwt smoke ptd ht ui i.race, group(pairid) (running clogit on estimation sample) Bootstrap ...